Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 FTW man i soooo cant wait till this comes out im sooo hyped i think im gonna die if it dosent come out soon :D but no seirously it looks amazing i am sooo gonna get it, if not when it first comes out (savig up allowance for it) then atleast by christmas man i soooo cant wait :(
yes it goes on the memory stick and like they said its very small prolly varyng from 30KB to 180KB or something like that or if u wanna download a game or a video or music or anything and put it on the PSP i suggest u buy ger memory stick cause it only comes with a 32MB stick so id suggest like a 2GB which runs from like 60 - 70 bucks but u also need a USB cable to hook into the computer to put it on the psp so yeah but they only go for like 20 bucks
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