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Remakes that should be considered being made

Here we go. There are a lot of things when considering what games deserve a remake. A lot of time and effort are taken analysising the old game, translating it to a next-gen console, adding new features or modifying the entire game it's self (like going from 2D to 3D, or side scroller to FPS and so on), and also moulding a new story that makes sense to the gamer (especially if they have played the original title on say NES, SNES, GB, Atari 2600, or what have you). Here is a list of games that should be completely remade due to the advances of the next-gen consoles (and I will say that they all shold be for the PS3 as I own one) and ideas on how I would remake it:

Blaster Master: Continue the story of Roddy from Blaster Master: Blasting Again, but make the portions of the game where you exit the S.O.P.H.I.A. J-7 and control Roddy into a FPS. Also, when Roddy takes damage, get rid of the whole lose power for your gun crap, give him multiple weapons like Doom, Half-Life, or any other FPS in history, just make the bosses harder. Change the Secondary Weapons into things that are actually useful (not that Thunder Break or Field Guard crap) and beef up the enemies a bit to compensate. Leave the driving portions in the 3rd person perspective, but add the option to go to the Thru-the-Windshield-View with a H.U.D. or Radar so you can locate enemies. And finally change the upgrades for S.O.P.H.I.A. J-7, leave the Submarine, Wall, and Crusher/Hyper add on's but change the rest.

Mega Man (original series): Now I know they did Mega Man: Powered Up, but there is so much more you can do with that (IMO). Add more QUALITY Robot Masters, change the weapons of the current RM's (example: make Gutsman's weapon not just for throwing blocks around, make it so when active MM can pull like stop signs and girders and other level objects out of the ground and use them as melee weapons and his energy for the GM weapon will slowly decrease over time, like Flashman's, instead of by use like the other weapons), and translate it over to a MM: Legends-type of game (except with a stage select hub) and make Protoman an playable character upon completion with his own 2 or 3 special levels plus the original 8 (I think there should be like 12 RM's plus the 2 or 3 bosses for Protoman). Add an upgrade system for both MM and PM and i think that Capcom will have a hell of a game on their plate!

The Guardian Legend: This game is awesome (really hard, but awesome nonetheless) and would be excellent on PS3. Instead of a points-based upgrade system (for those of you reading this who have no idea what I am talking about, get a ROM of Guardian Legend and see for yourselves), make it a money/cash system and keep the whole at full life your weapons do more damage aspect. Make the flying portions more Raiden, 1945, or Captain Skyhawk-ish but with more selectable weapons to buy and equip. Make the walking/roaming portions more like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune's style, hiding behind cover, over-the-shoulder shooting perspective, etc. And finally, have some freaking backstory to the whole Guardian Legend main character and give him/her a name for crying out loud!

That's what I have for now. Please feel free to send me ideas of remakes (must have been on the NES, SNES, SEGA master system/genesis, GB, and Atari 2600 for me to even look at it) and ill throw some ideas at you or make suggestions for remake concepts. Until next time!