personally I love this game, I also like MW2, so whoever said "If you like MW you won't like MAG" your an idiot.
Playing this game I really don't feel like its out to get MW, its a totally different experience and IF you give it time I think you will find something to like in here. But then again, you really gotta have an appeal towards TEAM based game types w/ objectives. I honestly feel that most people that are talking negativily about this game really only played 1, 2 matches tops, didn't understand what was going on, finished 2 - 15 and said forget it. Give it another go, don't be so quick to judge and it can be a much more rewarding experience.
Things I love
1.The way the guns sound, they are awesome
2.The enviroments and viewpoints, MW can't even compete with the draw distance this game has.
3.The skill tree. I love the custom loadouts you can create.
4.Squads. I love the idea of inviting your friends into a squad and jumping from game to game with them and helping a huge team. For PS3, thats huge.
5.Frago bonus - pushing people towards the objective to double the xp per kill, great idea.
Things I don't love
1.Team kills add a death to your total. Thats just silly. I like that the person gets -5xp, but you shouldn't be punished for getting knifed in the back in your camp.
2.Not being able to mute people that are not in your squad. I have had a couple people come over my headset that I just couldn't find a way to mute, that really really needed to be muted.
3.Being sniped from a parachute drop - I know there is a skill point for it but I think they should be a bit more maneuverable out of the gate.
I didn't really care for this game at first but I kept at it and really started to love it, now I'm lv 15 and can't stop playing and can't wait for the 26th. I recommend any haters to jump in again with more of an open mind and try to enjoy it rather than wish it was Duty.
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