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Well, it's almost October which means tons of new games coming out. While some games (Rock Band 2, Force Unleashed, etc.) have been recently released most of my games are coming out in October and '09. First off, and probably my all time most wanted game is LBP. It has a lot of potential and is kinda like a never ending game. Hopefully people are creative enough to really make this game sweet. Second is one that's been previously mentioned, Rock Band 2 (don't have a 360 waiting for PS3 version). I almost bought Rock Band but since Rock Band 2 is so close i decided to wait for a bigger track list and improved instrument. Plan on having a Rock Band New Years party. Third up, and probably kinda my least priority, all the Kingdom Hearts games coming out (too many to name all). Maybe one of them will have a story line that won't make me fill up a notebook trying to figure out what's going on. And last but not least, inFAMOUS. Seems like a cool concept and i've been a fan of the Sly Cooper games. Well, there's probably more that i forgot but i'll probably remember them closer to their release. See ya!