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"M" doesn't make a game good

Lately I've seen a lot of people saying that games are better if they are rated "M". This simply is not true. Some of the greatest games and franchises (Jak, Crash Bandicoot, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous, Ratchet and Clank, Mario, Zelda, Banjo-Kazooie, Burnout, etc.) were not "M", in-fact many weren't even "T". I'm not saying an "M" rating makes a game bad, there are many mature games that were awesome as well (Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, Bioshock, Dead Space, No More Heroes, etc.). What I'm trying to say is that an ESRB rating does nothing to the overall quality of a game. If a developer wants to appeal to a family audience that developer is going to make a game for the "E" crowd. If they want to appeal to the more adult crowd they'll make a more adult oriented game. They don't say "Hey I want to make a good game, I guess we'll have to make it M". So, the next time your in your local game store, don't walk straight past the "E" section back to the "M" section because you don't think there are any good games that you don't blow peoples limbs off and curse so much that it makes Die Hard look like Finding Nemo, stop and take a look at what games you've been ignoring. You'll be surprised what you find.