Happy New Year! kinda late but it's been a long time since i last updated. Just been busy with finals, holidays, and family but now i got time to just relax! Anyway i've been playing Assassins Creed Brotherhood lately and i love it. I have beat it and the ending was extremely odd and somewhat of a let down but overall it was a great game. The multiplayer is fun but def. gets old after a while but i hear they are going to make updates to it sometime soon. I've also been playing Castlevania lords of shadow for ps3 and i am also loving this game. Extremely linear but the storyline and game play make up for it enough for me to truly like it. All in all games for me lately have been what i want i couldn't be happy. Now i can't wait for MvC3 and Mass effect 3, i think those are my 2 most anticipated games for sure. Also i hope everyone else on my friendslist had a great xmas/hannukah and new years!
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