Wait. You bought a 360 and a Wii since last week? I remember asking you why you had a GeOW avatar and you didn't have a 360 then.Burnsmiesta
Is that towards me or the poster above me?
Wait. You bought a 360 and a Wii since last week? I remember asking you why you had a GeOW avatar and you didn't have a 360 then.Burnsmiesta
Is that towards me or the poster above me?
Hmm cool, internet does weird things. But 49 demos later no issues with downloading in the background. More than likely just got a corrupt download. Not really the ps3's fault. Just saying next time try downloading in the background. And see if it works that time around, if not I would call sony if it didn't.GreyFoXX4
I might try that with a small demo see if it works.
You don't have to wait on the ps3 you can do in the background. Really don't know why your waiting?GreyFoXX4
I tried that for my first ever download for the bourne demo waited almost 2 hours and then it wouldnt install saying some kind of error, looked it up on the internet and found out other ppl have had this problem too. And basically i had to redownload without performing in the background and then it worked.
For me its completely the opposite. It took me 2 and a half hours to download bourne conspiracy demo, which was then corrupt because your not supposed to do anything while its downloading. So basically when im downloading with my ps3 i dont perform in backround and just have to wait. Whilst on the 360 it took me 45 mins to download the NG2 demo which was 200mb smaller than the bourne demo. And i could also play my games whilst it was downloading. I have a 4mb connection too so dunno why the diffrence for me.
I have both the ps3 and the 360, i recently got my ps3 for mgs4, ive played it 3 times and its probably the best single player game ive played on both consoles.
Pros of the 360:
Better game lineup so far. Gears Halo 3 Cod4 all have very good online play. And also 360 gets exclusive content for GTA4 that the ps3 doesnt get i dont think. So overall gamewise Xbox360>Ps3
The online although for you its $50 its very good compared to psn in my opinion. Also comes with headset for free.
Controller is very good for shooters and slightly better than the ps3 controller, but its pretty bad for fighting games.
Very cheap now, although my 360 cost me more than my ps3 when i got it, now the 360 is very cheap on ebay.
Cons of the 360
Very loud, I mean if i have the 360 on i could hear it 3 rooms away thats how loud it is. PS3 is very quite.
My 360 broke not rrod, but i had to pay $130 (65 pounds) to get it fixed this is before i had the ps3. So not the best of hardware.
Have to buy seprate charging lead costs about $30.
Pros of the PS3
Rechargeable controllers that dont have batteries, so you dont have to pay extra for charge lead like you do for 360.
Internet browser which the 360 doesnt have, very good as i dont have to go on my pc to check the internet.
MGS4 very good game, its not worth buying the ps3 for, no single game is, but its a very good game.
PSN is free, although i dont really like it, since i play most if my games on live. But im sure its good enough for most people.
Hardware overall is better, looks alot nicer aswell.
Cons for PS3
No headset, have to buy seprately.
Not alot of quality games. Ive got MGS4 and resistance and uncharted, all good games but none of them have alot of replay value. And theres not alot of good games on the ps3 yet.
Downloading and installing is frustrating. Like for mgs4 you have to install the game before you play it, if you download a demo you have to wait till it installs, and other updates on games ou have to install. And also the downloads for me are alot slower than Live dont know why.
Although my ps3 was cheap, new ps3s are more expensive than the 360.
If i was really in debt id sell the ps3 becuase its worth the most ;p
But in this situation id sell the wii.
Isnt that were u plug the red and white wires and then you plug that into your soundcard?
My speaker system has 4 inputs and i cant see where i can put the red+ white wires in, and the jack would simply make it into one plug and where would i plug that into?
Ok well i want to connect my pc to my Dell 21" widescreen monitor
As you can see i can connect the VGA cable to my monitor but where do these other two wires connect to so i can obtain the sound (red and white wires)
I have a T7900 creative speaker system, this is the picture of the subwoofer were the wires are connected.
Now all these slots have been taken up the bottom 7 by the 7 speakers, and the top 4 by this wire which connects to my desktop.
So can somebody help me and explain how when i get the VGA cable do i connect the red and white wires to my speaker system or my monitor to obtain the sound. Help is appreciated.
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