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Hack3rs_United Blog

why is it always me?

my futon broke

then my ps3 broke

cracked my psp screen

lost my phone

left my psp at a buddies house

found my phone

room got covered in mold and death, evicted myself to the upstairs


new ps3 and a fixed room hopefully soon :(

i know no one cares, but my tv show comes out on Sept. 14th on YouTube, look up WLOFOF for the trailer in the meantime

I'm officially tired of hearing about Twilight

every where i look

my sister, aunt, and female friends (many many of those)

they all have






-and stared at actors from Twilight

I personally HATE twilight

the books were okay, but only because every once in a while i read, and it was either that or stuff I HAVE to read for school

so i chose twilight

I'll put it this way, if i had the choice between watching all of the Twilight movies in a row or being related to Hillary Clinton, id go for the relation =P

'My life so far; the slightly abridged version'


i was born

then i grew up

thank you

i wish all life stories were as short sweet and too the point as this, but mines more complicated, and hell, noone wants to know, so ill tell the computer about my messed up past

i had to come out of my mother.

that was torture

thats all she wrote (or he since imma dude)

what NOT to do while playing 007 Goldeneye for the n64

1.Reveal location to enemy 2.Run around with no wepon wepon wepeponpon weponwepon 3.Text a buddy whilst in the middle of a FlagTag match 4.Respond to a text from a buddy while in a FlagTag match 5.Check your facebook; no matter how good you hide, lasers and explosives penetrate walls 6.make this blog whilst playing