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Dialogues to be said in multiplayer

Dialogues that should be said in multiplayer: After winning: You were good, kid, real good. But as long as I'm around, you'll be the second-best... See? After getting the upper hand of the match: You gotta ask yourself a question, ''D i feel lucky?'' WELL DO YA? PUNKS... After a explosion: That was a Spicy Meatball. After being defeated: Hold me closer. Ed. Its getting dark... (cough) ...Tell Aunt Em to let Old Yelled out... (cough) ...Tell Tiny Tim i won't be home for Christmas... (cough) ....Tell Scarlet that I don't give a damn! (fart) Pardon me... (disconnect) before shooting an enemy: Sssomebody stop me. If the opponent don't give up: This guy is incorrigible.