@Daian: That's not really true, I'd say both pretty even. Looking the list above excluding indie games you have 4 SP-only games (Dishonored, FFXV, TLG, Hitman), 5 primarily SP games (DS3, Uncharted, Doom, Total War, XCOM), 2 balanced (Forza, Civ VI), 2 MP focused (BF1, TF2), and only 1 MP-only in Overwatch. Even looking back other AAA games, Deus Ex, Far Cry Primal, and Mafia III are SP-only, Gears of War and sports games are generally balanced, Watch Dogs 2 was largely single player, and even COD got more attention for the campaign than MP. The Division, Street Fighter, and Battleborn were MP focused but overall your statement is unfounded.
@AM-Gamer: Please enlighten me, what agenda are they pushing? You'll notice that every side is criticizing them, so I don't get what side they could be taking. Frankly I think focusing dev time on things that are actually going to change the game makes sense.
I realize thief is a storied franchise, but isn't that the same basic story as dishonored, gothic yet industrial city ravaged by plague being ruled by a tyrant. And its stealth action game.
I'm not worried. It isn't part of the main continuity and they're still gonna make TES VI (thiough it will be 4 years minimum) with Fallout 4 in between. It even being made by a different studio, so resources aren't diverted away(probably).
This entire argument is predicated on video games being art, when in fact they are experiences, in the vain of a safari or a roller coaster ride. If a particular element of the experience is disapproved of by the customers and the requested change is logistically possible it is in the best interest of the the developer to make it. In this particular case they made choices meaningless thus diminishing the meaning of the entire choice driven experience. The changes need not be drastic. They can cut and edit what they have to make a satisfying ending, with maybe a few scenes that can be made with the regular engine, and they can throw on a Dragon Age origins style ending slideshow with details about what happens to everything and everyone. The only hard part would be writing the slides. Also, you seem to think the ending was an artistic choice when I think it was a time saving device, a way for them to cut corners to be able release just a little sooner. I could be wrong but regardless I think this request is within reason, though I accept if it will take some time. I doubt they will change it and at the end of the day it's there game ,but they will save face and make money if they simply man up and accept they made a mistake.
HadrianII's comments