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5 Things You May Not Know About Me

I first have to say that whoever started this, is the DEVIL! Lol JK! :D

1. I started playing video games when I was 2 years old. I kid you not. My family has home movies of me playing the NES when I couldn't even walk yet. Kids don't learn to walk until they are after 2 years old right?

2. I used to be a very clumsy person. I would fall over all the time and, in the process, broke my wrists for a total of 4 times (once on my left, three times on my right). I also broke my pinky or ring finger when I was little from trying to jump over a sprinkler... Not my proudest moment.

3. I used to try to be a skate boarder. During the end of 8th grade and on through 10th grade, my friends were really into the so called "Punk" lifestyle and I happened to adapt to them a little bit. I used to wear a bunch of skate clothes, spike up my hair for school and listen to a lot of Punk music. I eventually grew out of that and I am basically a fan of anything that sounds good, music wise.

4. I am a huge fan of tennis. Whether I play it or watch it on TV, I can't get enough. I played for my junior and senior years of high school and I had a blast with my friends. During my senior year, I was awarded MVP along with my doubles partner because we were AWESOME!

Saving the best for last...

5. I am afraid of the dark. A 20 year old man that is afraid of the dark is pretty pathetic right? But you gotta understand something, THE DARK IS SCARY! When I go to sleep at night, I have to wrap my blanket all around me so that it surrounds me when I sleep. I leave a little space open so I can poke my big Italian nose out to breathe.

So there you have it. For the next people to do this, I am tagging....EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT BEEN TAGGED TO DO THIS! You know who you are and you better think twice about not doing it because I will be watching from the shadows!