Jeez dude, you haven't even played the game! How can you form an opinion on it without having played it? Grow up! Videogames are there to be enjoyed not battled over!
What a great decision! 'Giddy' is exactly the word to describe how I feel when thinking about my time with this game. A Link Between Worlds is the best Zelda since Wind Waker and this is also a good reward for the 3DS - which has had a stunning year. Also, nice to see a handheld game get the nod for once! Well done Gamespot!
What a pathetic review... Seriously Gamespot has degenerated into a big pile of crap. The anti Nintendo bias is crazy. Seriously, I used to think I was imagining it but then it happens again. It's not just the score, the entire review is rubbish. Delete my account Gamespot because this is the last time I visit your site, which is sad because Ive been a member for some time. F*#k this shit.
HairyDan28's comments