Well E3 is officially over! We all had our chance to find out that G4 tech tv knows nothing about games and that they are garbage. Who the hell cuts a commerical over the entire Mass Effect trailer and in the middle of the final Halo 3 trailer. Are they that dumb, or is it just me. I think 1up should have their own TV channel, not G4! Gamespot had some great coverage, and I really enjoyed the E3 Live videos. I watched a couple of them, and the ones I was most impressed with were Mercenaries 2, Mass Effect, Heavenly Sword and Warkhawk. I would have really liked to have seen a Halo 3 one, but thats fine. I was able to watch the Nintendo and Microsoft press conferences live, and I watched the Sony one after I got home from work.
Impressions of Major Companies:
3. Nintendo was clearly the worst press conference out of thethree of them. Places such as the Washignton Post praised Nintendo as saving E3, while in my oppinion they destroyed and proved they are no longer a gaming company, by a company interested in casual people. They showed these rediculous footages that no one gave a $hit about. Youtube videos about how good the Wii is doing, WHO CARES WE ALREADY KNOW YOUR SELLING WELL. Its kind of funny that the guy mentioned that even he himself would say that the Wii is only a fad. Why is the Wii so good, because its cheap and its new. Quite simply the idea of using motion sensing apeals to a lot of people just looking for fun. I must say, lots of people must enjoy the Wii and to a certain extent it is great for the industry. Its not destroying markets, but creating new ones by reaching out to a broader bunch of people. On the other hand some may say that Nintendos success could be one of the things that damages if not severly effects the Gaming industry as a whole in terms of True gamers. True is the word that I use, because I personally do not feel that the Wii is a True console, but just a fun machine. Its a whole different categorie and doesn't appeal to True gamer consumers to any extent. Nintendo failed at this E3 because they did not show any True video games, this being really dissapointing. Of course when you have a Wii, you cannot bare to not take into consideration how mediocre the visuals are in comparison to the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The original Xbox very well has better graphics than the Wii (SAD AS HELL). The zapper which was praised is merely a piece of plastic, the Wii Fit is a machine built for Fattys who cannot makeit outtheirown doorway such as BIG C(by the way Nintendo, I have a Mountain bike, a snowboard, I play real soccer, football, etc. I am not going to get into shape using this funky little machine, acctually my parents plan on putting a mini LCD TV for our weight machine and running machine). Leave getting into shape to practical things, not video games. You can acctually get video games for you bike machines if that is what your interested in. Nintendo also showed off their racing wheel which looks like a joke in comparison to say Microsoft's racing wheel (BTW Microsofts has breaks, a pedal, and force feedback making it feel like your really driving). Nintendo showed very few interesting games, and Mario Galaxies looks cool, but honestly I'm not 5 anymore, I don't care for Mario. The worst most corny thing of the show, was the family that played the Wii. That is where they really flew far away from gaming, and completely into the casual people. Nintendo doesn't realise that casual people arn't even watching E3, its True gamers that are. Honestly, they shouldn't have even bothered showing up at E3.
2. Sony in many peoples oppinions was the best of the show, but I would acctually like to put them in 2nd (not a fanboy move). Sony definitly delivered on showing tons of games. There are a lot of good looking games on this console,and its good to know that 2008 has some great titles coming. Unfortunetly Sony still does not have a community like xbox live. Hopefully games like Socom and Warhawk along side Sony's Home, will improve the Sony Online Network. Therewere acouple of key games though that stood out to me that I am definitly interested in. The first one is LittleBigPlanet. At first glance this game does not look like much but its truly a masterpiece of work. This game is a gaint sandbox where you can create and play through many things. The games visuals, physics, and end less possibilities allow for it to be maybe one of the best games of 2008. Metal Gear Solid 4 looks really cool. The story seems impossible to follow, but I hope that this might be a tripple A title. Warhawk represents what the xbox 360 needs. One of the lead guys on Warhawk even makes reference to how he loved playing Halo over Lan. Warhawk is a mutiplayer game that I hope the 360 follows up on. It even supports what is known as ghost (like Starcraft), where you can play over the Lan with other people using only one copy of Warhawk. This game can be downloaded over the Playstation Network, it is cheaper than other games ($40 American), andthe retail version comes with a Blue-tooth headset :).Heavenly Sword looks amazing. Even though it may be a short game, the ability to fight hundreds of soldiers on screen with amazing CG like graphics is mindblowing. Of course, you cannot leave out Killzone 2, which might possibly be the Playstations #1 system seller. I didn'tenjoy listening to Dave at the PS3 conference at all. He just didn't seem very cool, and the whole wookie thingwas rather weird. Phil Harrison is a jacka$$, but he did present quite well.Plan on getting my PS3 next week. Why is Sony not #1, because its fall lineup is what matters, and the Xbox is the king of the hill in that market.
1.Microsoft is a buisness company. There are also a software company, and they know what there doing this generation. Peter Moore couldn't have been any more right, this Fall is the Xbox 360's chance to shine. There are so many games that are coming out for the Xbox 360 it is not by any means a funny topic. There are so many tripple A games, many people are going to have a hard time determining what they want to purchase. Microsoft's press conference was not amazing. It could have shown a little more info about the games themselves, games in 2008, and news on anything to do with changing xbox live. The best news I felt was the feature that enables you to buy tv shows, rent movies, etc. off of xbox live is coming to Canada. This is great, but wait a minute, isn't the 120GB hardrive about $200. Microsoft is honestly ripping us off to a certain extent. I'll probably get the new hardrive at Christmas. Some people don't like Peter Moore, but I personally do. He's a great speaker, he's a gamer himself, and he knows how to sell stuff. The things that stood out to me for the xbox 360 were games like Mass Effect. Mass Effect might very well get the game of the year. This game is amazing looking, and even looks beter than Gears of War which uses the same engine, the Unreal Engine 3. This game is long and is coming from the creators of the original Kotor (one of my fav RPG's of all time). Bioware is a Canadian based company, and they are releasing probably one of the greatest games of all time. I just finished playing the Blue Dragon demo and I can say that it brings me back to my FF10 days. The game is great fun, but im not going to have the time to play it this year (leaving it for 2008 ). What was really impressive though, was Lost Odyssey. This is the game that also uses the Unreal Engine and it looks gorgeous. Its hard to say whether Mass Effect is better looking than this game, but its definitly close. Lost Odyssey looks to be one of the best for the Xbox 360. The story line seems impelling where the main character is immortal which comes with some costs.The main difference I can say about Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey is that Blue dragon you have your shadows fighting for you while in Lost Odyssey your using weapons. Blue Dragons shadows are very much like the Aeons from Final Fantasy X which were really cool. Each shadow has its own distinct look, (ie. a dragon).The one thing I don't like is that the characters can only wear specific items like jewlery. Lost Oddyssey appears to allow you to find new weapons and armour to use, but looks to lack Aeons. Lastly, but not least by any extent is Halo 3. This is the greatest fanchise of all time, and in my oppinion will be the GOTY with Mass Effect as the runner up. Halo 3 is stunning, and is the game that made me cry on Novermber 9th 2004 in the first scene at High Charity. I couldn't believe that I was finnaly playing the Master Chief again. This game is amazing on all boards, and is also sad to see that it will be the final game in the trilogy. Halo 3 is that game where you play the character John who is a supersolider for the UNSC known as a Spartan (Spartan project was based on planet Reach). John is a tank in other words. The reason why this story is Hollywood material is because it brings in many concepts today and questions them quite well. One of the main ones I picked up was the idea that religion can be blinding. While the Alien's known as the Covenant feel Halo's are religious shrines, the humans know that the Halo's are acctualy giant weapons that will destroy all life and were created by the now extinct race known as the Forerunners. The Halo's were built to destroy the Flood. I know that Halo 3 does not look as life like as Gears of War, but for a SCI-FI game with its art it looks quite mind-blowing. Halo is also responsible for the best control scheme for a FPS ever. The game even goes farther than the revolutionary Half-Life in level design and gameplay. Halo 3 is the best reason to buy an Xbox 360, and it is the reason I bought mine, it defines system seller.
Most Surprising Game:
Call of Duty 4:
Who saw that sniper in the E3 gameplay video. That was just sick, and goes to show how many companys are now taking advantage of the technologies involved with Next gen consoles.
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