I am currently very bored and do not have games to play but gears of war. I've spent the last several months since its launch trying to get the seriously achievment legitly. I need a new game.
I've got a couple of ideas for games, Crackdown, Dead rising or Fear. I probably could get two of them, but I'd rather like to focus my attention on one and continue with GoW. Crackdown I have no interest in and I really do not like, but I am a halo fan boy and I would really like to play the beta. Is it worth paying 70 or 60 bucks just for a beta? Dead rising I have had an interest in for a long time. Its fun and seems to have a lot of value in terms of trying to get all the achievements. Like my buddy battlebuds says, you havn't truly beat a game until the achievements have been completed 100%. I've played through a rental and I found it really fun, but it seemed a little repetitive. Lastly, Fear is a PC port to the 360. Yes I've played the single player game on pc (not full version) and I also on and off play Fear Combat. I enjoyed both and it seemed like a very intriguing game. I rented it for the 360 and felt like the PC version was better (i tend to honestly like playing FPS's on a console, but this game seems meant for the PC). It is still quite fun, and like mentioned before the achievements seem like a good endeavour to complete. Any thoughts anyone?
As to move on to the topic, great games are coming out soon, but is the money there to buy them.... I think I may have to get a job to buy them all. I know a guy who is I constantly saying after halo 3 and everthing before it is junk and M$ is not doing a good job. I am more optimistic, and can't wait to see what comes after halo and what is coming out in the coming months.
My list of wanted games:
Blue Dragon - I love FF, and here is my real chance to experience it on my xbox 360 (i am not interested in FF11 though)
Mass Effect - What can you not like about this game. Its amazing looking, its gameplay is unique and new, adds in shooter elements, and its made by the great Canadian company BIOWARE.
Bioshock - The game is trying to get away from all the cliche of FPS's, this is something new and different, and it looks amazing.
Lost Odyssey - like said before, this is a real opportunity to experience FF like gameplay on my 360
Forza Motorsport 2 - Forza one was a big success. It may have not been suited for everyone, but it did do the simulator game type well. I loved having repair the car, get gas on long races, be unable to continue racing if to much damage is done, car reacts and acts like a real car, etc.
Halo 3 - Its Halo.... WHAT....! My fav game of all time!
Fable 2 - fable one may have been short, but it felt real. This time around, it seems bigger and longer, and you get a cool dog! I LOVE ANIMALS!
Assassin's Creed - Not to much details have been released, but it looks to be like prince of persia but in a different atmosphere.
Too Human - This looks like the 360's GOD OF WAR!
This is my first blog, i hope to continue it with more posts every week! Thanks for the inspiration SMETHER (AKA. Caramel)!