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Halo2_Gamer Blog

Free Map Tuesday!

If you don't already have the Halo 2 maps (or disk) and do have X-box Live, do yourself a favor and download the newest maps, now FREE! That's all.

Been a while...

Well, it's been a while since my last entry, and I really haven't been all that active during the summer. I guess I've been busy with X-Box Live, but I dont' even play that all that much anymore. Anyways, I guess I'll fill you in on what's happened since last time. Well, school ended (Sophomore year in high school) and in June I turned 16, played alot of games. I've picked up Paintballing a couple of months ago and am having alot of fun with it. Went to South Dakota, saw the Grand Canyon. Got my Driver's License in mid-July and now I'm getting ready for the upcoming school year (summer's gone too fast). Anyways, I'll try to be more active in the Gamespot communit more, and thanks for reading.


I can not WAIT until Monday. Update for Halo 2! Thank the heavens! I can't wait for the new maps also (think they're coming out on the 28th). I'm pretty sure I'm going to be buying the two purchase-able ones and the update looks like it will be great for balancing the weapons. Also, I won't be as afraid to play matchmade games because people won't be able to cheat (not as much, anyway). I hope to see you guys online on Monday- Gamertag: Neon Spartan.

Check For Rioting N00bs

Recently gamespot put up the Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory review, and to the fanboys dismay, it got an 8.6! Hey, I like Splinter Cell alot and will definately get the new one to play online (co-op looks great!), but the people on the SP: CT board are over-reacting. It's no outrage, it's a damn good score! Don't get me wrong, I was astonished when Halo 2 only got a 9.4, but to me it's the best game in the world (tied with the original of course) and nothing can change that. I appreciate what Greg Kasavin has done for the Gamespot community and am glad that no matter how many people sign his "offical" removal petition (which I don't suggest you do) that he won't be leaving any time soon.

Got a PSP!

This morning I got a PSP, and it's an awesome handheld. I didn't get the game I wanted (Metal Gear Acid), because it wasn't there, but I might be able to get it tonight. Anyways, it came with some video demos and the screen is amazing. If you've got the money, I suggest you pick one up ASAP.

Gaming Gripes

Okay, so Gran Turismo 4 is finally coming out. My feelings: They took out online play, what are we waiting for!? Also, I didn't really get into the third one and don't think I'll get this one.

The PSP, it ticks me off that they wouldn't either change the screen or PSP body size to make the square button work better, I don't think the gamers/developers should have to work around what they screwed up on purpose- having said that, I'm really looking forward to getting a PSP in March!!

Finally, I'm really angry that my local Wal-Mart is missing out on the Blockbuster title that is Resident Evil 4. I really want to get it and will be soon, but I would have beaten it by now if only my Wal-Mart carried it...

2 Weeks Ago Today...

Two weeks ago today I finally got my X-Box Live hooked up. And I can honestly say, I am a changed young man. In the past two weeks I killed, splattered, jacked, and beat down more opposing Elites and Spartans than ever before. X-Box Live is, to me, one of the greatest things to happen to gamers. Sure, I've played games online before, but X-Box Live has friends lists, plenty of downloadable content, and so many more features that I have not yet explored. The majority, rather all, of my X-Box Live experience has been playing Halo 2. Sure, the single-player component of this game leaves my eyes burning and mouth watering, but playing online with up to 15 others is truly an amazing and stimulating experience. If you have never experienced what I describe here, you couldn't understand. You have to try it yourself, see what you've been missing. Where will I be 2 weeks from now? I doubt my life will have changed as much as it has since I've been gaming online with Halo 2. But years from now, when the X-Box Next (Xenon) comes out, I'll know that the gap between Halo 2 and Halo 2.5 will have been filled, with X-Box Live.

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