1.ninja giden black This game is suppose to be fun but i just never played it i just havent got around to it even though i could eaisly barough it from a friend i like more old school good games not new stuff that just bores me unless it is good like when halo came out that was good mgs3 good resident evil 4 good superman for n64 that sucked horribly 2.far cry i hear this is like the next halo or something but i just never played it..... oh well dosent really bother me 3.hitman this game at first when you look at it its looks cool but you dont know if you should buy it know what i mean? well i just never played it but it looked kind of like fun 4.devil may cry this game looked cool but i just never got around to playing it 5.mgs1 I beat 3 im working on 2 and number on i played when i was little and just stopped playing but know i get it metal gear is fun as hell to play number 3 rocks
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