Halomassacre Blog
Holy **** it's been a long time since I have been on this site.
by Halomassacre on Comments
I don't know how many of you are still on this site,or if you even remember me.Anyway,I was the big time lawyer dude who lived in Beverly Hills,well now I'm just some rich dude who lives in a small towm in Northern California.I wanted to get away from the city life and didn't need to work,but I had values so I did.Now I just do whatever I want to do,go wherever I want to go,and have fun.So let's see.......I don't remember much about the last time I was on here.Hmmm,well when I left I had like 630 games I think.Well now I have nearly 900.I mostly play Xbox 360 on Live but I mostly buy games for the Wii and PS3.I don't play those online since their service sucks compared to Xbox Live.But yeah,nothing's really changed since the last time I got on here other than the move from Beverly Hills to a town near Chico California.I still collect cars,games,and other cool stuff.So yeah that's pretty much it.Talk to me some time or just look me up on Xbox Live.Later guys.
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