So we got our vocabulary assignment sheet today. These are 20 words we have to study for 3 weeks and take a test over afterwards. Everyone already knows them all though, so it's an easy 100 points (x12). But this week, I got three words that are very, VERY, interesting.
BRAWL: Omg, didn't a game JUST come out with this? More than coincidence. Check your calendars, people, Brawl came out a month ago in two days. And if you think that's weird...
REVOLUTION: Zomg, it's in the name of my former favorite union. What are the odds?
EMBLEM: Lolwut? My other former favorite union is ALL ABOUT THESE.
Now, seriously, what are the odds?
Wait, what do I mean by former?
The truth is... I just don't like unions anymore. I don't know why, I just... don't.