Hey guys, I am back with another entry,
The Greatest Villain turned out unexpectedly. There is no way Darth Vadar can make a come back from this... Kerrigan won! I would never had thought that, I didn't even know who she was until I learned more about Starcraft II... I don't think she should have won at all. Just because she was featured in one of the newest and greatest video games out there for now doesn't mean she is the best villain ever. I just need to say that if she and Darth Vadar ever got in a real fight, Darth Vadar would totally win due to his force powers and lightsaber. No centipede lady could handle that. I just wish people didn't vote for her but I cannot go back in time. I hope everyone did well and I will type to you guys in my next blog entry.
Hammstray out!