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The Future Of Gaming

You are probably thinking that this is going to be a broad blog and it is, don't get me wrong. Anyways, what is the future of gaming with all the 3DTVs and the 3DS and now every handheld gaming device is practically touch (iPod Touch, Nintendo 3DS and PSP2 or NGP). Holograms maybe? Handheld stomping all over the console generation. All of that in this blog, hopefully.


Hey Guys, Hammstray is back from the virtual dead, I haven't posted a blog in forever. Anyways, getting back on topic, I have been noticing that a lot of people are trying to figure out the future of gaming. Myself included. I am surprised with the technology we have. The same thing was thought way back in the 1950's when they thought they had the best technology and they could never fathom our progress: 3DTVs, video games, internet, portable touch screen 3g wi-fi communication game compatible handheld devices. I am questioning what will be in the near future of 2050 or 2100!!! It will be pretty cool then and they will think, "how did they survive back then?" But seriously, what is the future of gaming?

For my first point, I think 3D is taking over. The 3DS sounds like a really good idea and it could be called a handheld version of the Wii with 3D engineering with the glasses. Amazing! We also have 3DTVs and every movie that is coming out turns out to be in, guess what, 3D! I can't believe it. Soon they will be making helmets that import us into a gaming universe that is 3D, has super realistic graphics and fun!

My next point is on touch. It seems like everyone is pushing the touch compatible phones to their max. iPod Touches (iPhones), DS, and the new PSP2 will have touch on the front screen and back screen? I think they are pushing it to far. Every phone now is becoming a touch it seems like. I really like touch though because it is pretty accurate. It is also like the motion gaming equipment like the Playstation Move, Xbox Kinect and Nintendo Wii. It is really accurate, sometimes too much but it is pretty fun once you get into one of those games. This is something that will easily take over our generation and generations to come.

Now I also mentionedholograms. Now let us face it, graphics are getting better all the time in games. 3D games look amazing but really it is just a fake 3D screen projected through glasses or how the pictures form together to make a 3D image on a 2D screen. Eventually, if holograms become part of the gaming world someday, it will actually come out of the tv in your face and you can see it and touch, put your hand through it like what you do when you first see a 3D movie but then realize that it is just projected. It will really add a great element to gaming I think.

Finally, onto the handheld generation that I think is really starting to creep up on our console generation and take over. The new handheld devices like the 3DS and NGP or PSP2 are really incredible if you think about their technology (located in my previous blog). I found this article from 1up.com (http://www.1up.com/news/rumor-psp-2-graphics-ps3) and it says that it is rumored that for the size of screen the PSP2 has, its graphics are comparable to the PS3's! If handheld gaming systems are going to have graphics comparable to console graphics and are cheaper (more or less), I would rather buy a PSP2 then a PS3! Handheld gaming has become popular on the iPod Touch and iPhone so it could become possible that handheld gaming could become pretty popular in the next couple of years.

I will leave you with this information to ponder. What are your thoughts on the future for gaming?