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Hammyrules10 Blog

In memory of drdh Jan. 31 09 - Oct. 29 09

drdh loved to express his opinions and have friends. He wants you to know that you guys actually talked about stuff he liked and supported it and that youre the best. Hes still around just not here. Hes a youtuber now and probably always will be. Cheers to drdh!


Jan. 31 09 -

Oct. 29 09

the perfict girl

i got a well ive had a gf and she is perfict she doesnt kick me like other dirls other girls flurt w/ me but it ik she perfict


plz reply yes or no if u think school can be boring:roll:

well my treacher is awsom but can be mean sometimes he is easy on the girls but not the boys it makes me mad:evil: because i just dont get it JUST isnt fair but he is probly the best teacher ive had so far we switch at like 8:20 to anouther class and im in 5th grade we have partys on fridays unless u get your name in the directions box but u can save yourself by getting your name it the good behior box i try and we grt a black chair on friday on every dday we draws for the brown chair and i got it first:D

runescape is a very fun game and approprite. unless u cant play games where u fight goblins with magic or armor and sword or bow. there is no blood.u have pay to be a member or if u want to play for free. there are quest's that u have to beat to get sertin stuff. o and if u arnet a member then u cant get some stuff like a dragon sword or helmet,home, a ,dog or a cat. i myself have a accont and i am lvl 32. i was into getting armor but then i decided to get into magic i like it better. my accont is 50cent jr 4 do not tell anyone your password unless u foget stuff easly. u have a friends list, a defriends list,and a clan chat i am in a clan chat with my cuzin o and if someone cusiz it gets stared out. there arte many difffrent places to of the most comman ones are verroc and lumbridge. u can make runes o ya u have to have runes to use magic. well i think u have heard enough now go explore. my runescape name is 50cent jr 4 be sure to put the spaces where belonged