Even if this Steambox thing is real, I cannot imagine that Half-life 3 wouldn't come out simultaneously on Steam itself, being Valves proprietary online service. How could they not release their own game day 1? It would be a bit of a slap in the face to everyone that has supported them over the years.
Hamwize's forum posts
The Diablo series was always seemingly simple, but deceptively complex the deeper you got. Genius gameplay balancing. No one is even out of the first chapter in Diablo 3, and people have already made their minds up that it's too simple? Ludicrous.
Steam: antipop82
Always keen for some L4D2 or TF2.
I'm after playing a game, any game, that is a really good representation of Dungeons & Dragons on the PC. Not too bothered about which ruleset, or how old the game is, I'm just in the mood for stat rolling, good/evil alignments, and shooting 'Melf's acid arrow's' at monsters.
Can anyone recommend a good, faithful interpretation of D&D? The more hardcore the better. Nevewinter Nights springs to mind, but I know there was a few others that came out during the late 90's/early 00's.
I don't think it will ruin it, but living in rural Australia broadband is very flakey. I play WoW and occacional dropoputs are something I've just got to live with. I guess Diablo 3 will be a similar experience.
But really, you're not playing Diablo if you're not playing it with friends.
When I hear 'adventure game' I think more of esoteric puzzles, and wandering around picking up random items. As far as this gen goes, pickings are slim, but Telltale's Monkey Island series gets my vote. Keeping the spirit of the 80's/90's adventure games alive.
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