@WantYouBad @MalakTawus Yeah, that's why it's a known fact that virgins and preteens love to visit art galleries with paintings of ACTUAL NAKED WOMEN in order to get their boob fix.
@Dbizzles That's true, but you know Sony isn't sitting around doing nothing right now. They probably watched the Xbox reveal and they're also watching the feedback from it. If Sony is smart, all they have to do is see how pissed off everyone is and do the exact opposite of Microsoft. There, console war over.
@ganonshin Nope, your friend would have to pay a fee if he wants to play your game on his account. If he ends up really enjoying the game then he'd have to pay even more money to actually purchase the game for himself. So two fees to play one game lol, great idea right?
@Jacanuk I thought Lollipop Chainsaw was pretty good, just picked it up recently for $20 after avoiding it for about a year and I would've gladly paid $30 for it, no more than that though lol. It wasn't as good as No More Heroes 1 & 2 or Shadows of the Damned, and it sure as hell didn't even come close to being as awesome as Killer 7, but it was damn good fun. That's more then I can say about most AAA games that come out nowadays.
@BIOJECT You just contradicted yourself in that comment. "This doesn't deserve the Metal Gear Solid name. It's not Metal Gear Solid." Ok so it isn't MGS so saying that it doesn't deserve the MGS name is dumb because it's MGR, a spin off. Then you proceed to completely contradict what you just said by saying it isn't MGS, it's like you knew what you just wrote was wrong but instead of erasing it and correcting yourself you proceed to make yourself look ill informed and unintelligent. Also, you hope it fails? Why don't you spend your time playing and supporting games you actually enjoy instead of blindly hating games you want to see fail. I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're actually THAT stupid...To be honest, I don't care enough to ask for an answer. I hope you at least find some enjoyment in your life of hatred and despair my unhappy internet friend :)
@istuffedsunny You need to play more story oriented games. I've experienced some great stories in all forms of entertainment, movies, books, TV shows, and video games. I haven't been a teenager in a long time and I enjoy video game stories over any other form immensely. It's all based on personal preference and opinion, so don't try and make it seem like you hold a greater standing over everyone else by saying "my opinion rules over all and if you disagree you're a ignorant teenager." Also, MGS and FF aren't the only games ever created that have deep story elements, climb out from under your rock and experience something different for christ's sake.
Resident Evil may have lost its way, but at least there are still games like Amnesia and mods like Afraid of Monsters and Cry of Fear to breathe life into the survival horror genre without compromising its scares and atmosphere. Also, I would urge RE fans to check out "Cry of Fear". It's a mod for Half Life 1 and it's one of the scariest things I've ever experienced, it has action, jump scares, atmosphere, good story and some of the most disturbing enemy designs I've EVER seen lol. It also revamps the entire gameplay aspect of HL 1 to be more realistic and hardcore, check it out when you get a chance.
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