online play is fun on my ps2. right now i am playing syphon filter the omega strain online and wow its fun and very cool because when you get to play online you team up with 4 other agents and the cool thing is you can kill them even though you are in a team. being online while playing the omega strain brings you good things 3. 1st. you reach places and go through things that you would not be able to reach or get through without help of another player. 2nd you earn weapons only unlocked after online playtimes and 3rd you earn special ratings that unlock extra things that make the game more fun to play or keep you alive huh? i can also talk to the other players with my headset thing its funny cause some say bad words and others start fights and stuff lol but some people make plans with me and i follow them or they follow me to stick together and reduce the chance of being killed.
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