Well my vacation has ended. I now sit back in my room in Annapolis, MD feeling extremely home sick. But it will pass in time once I get back into my old boring ass routine....errrrr!
I guess what really counts is I had alot of fun. I drank plenty of booze, partied almost every day, and got to spend plenty of time with family and friends. Hopefully time will go fast, and i'll be back home for the holidays before I know it.
I didn't get to do alot of what I had planned to do during my 10 days, but it still ended up working out, and I had an extraordinary time.
I didn't really play that many games while I was home. I played a little bit of EQ and EQ2. But most of the time I was too busy to play. Now that i'm back home though, and have really nothing better to do, i'll be picking up the controller/keyboard again.
I'm dissapointed right now because I found out I have to work tommorow, when originally I was off. But I came back to a changed schedule of course. Thats what I hate about my job, nothing is ever written in stone. Things are always changing, so you can never count on your schedule to work you the way you had planned. I will have to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'll be off Monday and Tuesday, where I plan to go see a movie, and pick up Dead Rising for Xbox360.
Also I'm thinking about playing World of Warcraft again, but I havn't offically decided yet. Also I think in a few minutes i'm going to reinstall Unreal Tournament 2K4, and play a little before I go to bed.
I suppose i'll conclude this blog at this point. Hopefully this homesickness will go away, and i'll start off tommorow resfreshed, awake, and ready for 11 hours of work.
I'll try and post another blog during my days off, and let you know how i'm enjoying Dead Rising, and how my work weekend went. But until then, thanks for reading, and stay safe!
-Haphasto (aka Matt)
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