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I'm Not the Last, but I Sure Aint the First

My blog title has really nothing to do with this blog, it's actually just a lyric from the song Critical Acclaim by Avenged Sevenfold, which I really dig. It's available for purchase on Rock Band also, which is kick ass! Speaking of Rock Band, I saw that they are releasing a Rush pack this weekend, which includes two songs: Closer to the Heart and Working Man. This is great and all, because I love Rush, but does anyone see a problem with one of those songs on that list? If you haven't figured it out already, Working Man is already available for download, and has been for several months now, infact I own it and have played it dozens of times; so why is it being released again? Has the Rock Band team lost track of what songs they released, was this a mistake and they meant to put in another song, or is this supposed to be an authentic version of the song? And if that's the case, then I could honestly care less, because I can barely tell when it's authentic or when it's a cover anyway.

But anyway, if you can't tell this is just a standard blog. I haven't really had anything to talk about since the release of Diablo III. Which I am even more excited for after reading and watching everything that surrounds the game. The game looks nothing short of spectacular, and we've only seen the first level, and only 2 classes, which only makes me think that this game is going to be extraordinary, and will really be something special, even more so than it's predecessors.

But until Diablo III, I'm stuck playing my Xbox 360, which isn't really such a bad thing :) The other day I finished Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Overall it was a very good game, with an astounding atmosphere. I found the game to be a little less frightening as I progressed. Either the environments got less creepy, or I just got used the game, one of the two. The Doll Factory was beyond the worst, and still gives me the chills when I think about it. Most critics and fellow gamers say that the game was too short, but honestly by the time it ended I was ready for it to be over with anyway. I had pretty much figured out the story half way through, and the gameplay wasn't as fresh as it was in the beginning (obviously) so I was satisfied when it ended, and didn't find myself saying "Man that was a short game."

I'm not sure if this would be considered a spoiler for Condemned 2 or not, but if you don't want to take a chance, don't read any further. I really hate using game guides to progress through games, I like to figure things out on my own, and feel that when I can't figure it out on my own that I'm somewhat of a feeble minded person, but I was forced to use Gamefaqs during the Magic Man boss fight towards the end of Condemned 2. I ran around almost a good hour trying everything I could think of, enduring an extremely long annoying session where I had to listen to the piercing sound of the sonic waves and listen to Ethan Thomas groan and grunt. After dying about 4 times and getting absolutely pissed when I heard the sonic waves I went to Gamefaqs.com and found out that all I had to do was throw the bottles of liquor that were laying around the stage at him. I started busting up laughing, because I didn't even know that you could use the liquor bottles as weapons, I thought you could only drink them; meaning that if I hadn't gone to gamefaqs I would probably have never figured out how to beat him.

But anyway the game is finished now, and I can move on to my two newer games full time now. Last week I bought Battlefield Bad Company and bare with me here.... yes I bought Dragonball Z: Burst Limit.

First let me start off with DBZ. Back when i was in highschool during the beginning of the 21st century, I was addicted to Dragonball Z. I watched it religiously along with a couple of my friends everyday after school on Cartoon Network. I ended up growing out of it, and even found myself making fun of it a lot as I got older. I hadn't played any DBZ video games except fot the first Budokai game on the PS2. And I hadn't really planned on buying this either. But for some reason after watching the video review here on Gamespot I felt compelled to pick it up. I guess I was just feeling a little nostalgic. So far the game is pretty decent. It's not a complicated fighting game at all, infact every character controls the same. I actually like this, because I find it extremely tedious to memorize combinations for each fighter, and a lot of times that's what will turn me off about fighting games. But lack of combinations means an abundance of button mashing. You can get through pretty much every single player fight, and most online fights by just repeatedly hitting the X and Y buttons (for you 360 folk). Special moves are simple to pull off also and only requires you to hit two buttons at the same time. For hardcore fighting fans this is probably a huge disappointment, and I even find myself saying "Wow this is easy" at some points, but it really makes the game accessible to anyone, which means I can play against some of my friends without them having to worry about not knowing how to play. The game does bring back some good memories from when I used to watch the Anime, and is a nice change of pace from the other games I've been playing as of late, but there's just not enough there to keep me coming back for a long time, so it will probably be shelved once I'm done with the Z Chronicles story mode.

Now onto Bad Company. It's a pretty fun game, I've only played through the first 2 missions so far. It's fun to be able to blow pretty much anything up, but beyond that it's just a pretty generic shooter. Regardless I'm sure I will still complete the single player campaign. I haven't touched the multiplayer yet for some reason, but plan on doing that in the near future, so if you wanna play hit me up. Hopefully the multiplayer is more fun than the singleplayer.

I've actually played my Wii this past week, and progressed through another Galaxy on Super Mario Galaxy. As I've said in previous blogs, this game is spectacular, it's the perfect platformer. I don't know why I keep ignoring it and putting it off to the side, because it deserves to be beaten. Also while on the subject of the Wii, nostalgia has hit me again, and I will probably be purchasing The Ocarina of Time on the virtual console sometime soon. It's my favorite console game of all time, and I just have a really strong urge to play through it lately.

And last but not least, I'm pretty much done with Age of Conan. I don't know why I keep buying MMORPG's because I play and enjoy them for about 2 weeks but after that I get down right bored with them. And the same thing has happened with AOC. It's a good game, but I just didn't find much entertainment in it after 30 levels. I haven't canceled my subscription yet, and still might give it a shot, but for right now it looks like it's not going to happen. I guess no MMORPG will ever capture the magic that Everquest had.

But I guess that's it for now. Thank you all for reading. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting things to write about here in the near future, so keep your eyes open. And to all of you participating in the Retro Revival Week good luck! Wish I could participate with you, but unfortunately my classic title collection is very dry, with the exception of a few PSX titles. But I will definitely be keeping up with all of you who are participating and will definitely enjoy watching and reading your experiences.