Haphasto / Member

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Long time no see.

Hey everyone...if anyone still tracks or reads my blog.  Sorry i've been away from blogging and posting for almost 2 months now.  It doesn't seem like 2 months, but that just proves how fast time if flying, atleast for myself.

The last time I posted a blog I talked about the progression server on Everquest, and how I was really anticipating that.  Well tommorow will be the one month anniversary of it, and it's going pretty well.  I've been playing alot, as my Xfire friends can tell concur.  Been posting 40+ hours each week since it's been out.  I have a 36 shaman to date.  Already one expansion has been unlocked, and will be officially opened later today, at what time exactly, I don't know.  It's moving very fast, which i'm kind of unhappy with, I wanted to spend a good amount of time with each expansion, but with all of the power gamers aiming to unlock all expansions as quick as possible, it doesn't seem that I'll be able to enjoy it in that aspect.  But regardless, i'm still having fun, and it's the closest I think i'm going to get to reliving the old Everquest days.

I've been very derailed from consoles lately.  The only console games I have played in the last couple of months have been MLB 06' The Show, and a little bit of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.  It's been mostly all Everquest lately.  I've also been playing a little bit of Everquest II, and Call of Duty 2 online.

Since keeping up with a gamespot acquantence of mines blog (Neo Jedi) i've been thinking about getting back into Unreal Tournament 2K4 for ****'s and giggles.  I used to play my fair share back in the day when it first came out, so I was thinking about reinstalling it and giving it another whirl.

I've been thinking about selling my PSP and games.  I havn't played it in atleast a month, and there is nothing coming out for it that is capturing my interest.  Basically to sum it up, it was a huge waste of money.  Nothing about it strikes my interest.  I don't have any desire to watch movies on it, if I want to listen to music I have an Ipod, and the games are very lackluster.  With the exception of Lumines, Smackdown vs. Raw 2006, and Wipeout Pure, i've been thoroughly dissapointed with the titles that have came out.

In movie news, I saw Superman Returns, which I enjoyed.  It wasn't as good as Xmen 3, or Batman Begings, but I still liked it, which I found surprising since i'm not a big Superman fan.  I'll probably even pick it up when it comes out on DVD.

I've been reading the Batman Hush series of comic books, which are REALLY great.  If you like DC comics, or Batman, or anything of the sort you should read Batman Hush.  I only started reading it 2 days ago and i'm already almost finished with it.  I just can't seem to put it down. 

In other news, I go home on leave for 10 days on Monday.  Finally get a break from the Navy, which I really need.  I can't wait to see all of my family and friends, it's going to be a real blast.  Only problem is, on the 10th i'm not going to want to come back!

Other than that, I was still contimplating on getting a webcam to do videoblogs, but I don't think I have enough readers interested in my blogs to waste my time.  I've been so out of touch with Gamespot as of late, I have done no socializing here what so ever, so i'm sure I lost a good amount of my Gamespot friends.  My fault, and my fault alone.  I'm going to try and get back on the forums and reunite with some friends, and then maybe i'll start some video blogging.

But that's it for now.  Thank you for reading, those of you who still do.  And hopefully i'll post another blog very soon.
