i'm not going to write a huge blog about each conference, it would take too much time, time that I don't want to spend typing. What i'm going to do is just summarize in a few sentences on what I thought about each conference.
Sony - Alot of talk and flash, but no substence. I didn't like how they changed their controller to be like the Wii's. I enjoyed seeing alot of the games, and i'm really looking forward to them. I'm sceptacle about the price, it is very expensive. But who am I kidding, i'm still going to buy it.
Microsoft - My god was this press conference boring. Besides a few game titles, they didn't really shock me with anything. I don't really have anything to say, probably because I was falling asleep through most of the conference.
Nintendo - By far my favorite conference. They showed alot of games, and they all looked great. I'm really psyched about this new controller, and i'm especially psyched about the new Zelda! I'm dissapointed they didn't mention a price, and they didn't talk about the backwards compatibility. But i'm really excited for the Wii, and it is probably the console i'm most looking forward too.
And the game i'm most psyched for...Twilight Princess. At first I was sceptacle about this being on the Wii. I didn't want it to feel too out of place with the controller. But with the demo that I saw, the game looks incredibly fun, and still looks like it brings out the Zelda aura.
I cannot wait for this game, and I can't wait for the Wii. And though i'm not as excited for the PS3, i'm still really looking forward to it.
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