Well I havn't done a blog in awhile, so I thought i'd run through my mind, and let you all know whats been going on since my last very brief blog.
For starters, Xmen The Last Stand was great. All of the critics said it was the worst out of the trilogy, but I actually thought it was the best. I still wish they would have added Gambit. Other than that though Juggernaut was a great villian as usual, though some people seem to wish he was CG like The Hulk, to make him look bigger, but I liked him the way he was.
Also in theaters I saw The Omen. This movie was horrible. Avoid it at all costs, I warn you. Except for a few cheap scares, this one is a shameful horror flick.
But enough about movies. Lets get into the games.
I quit World of Warcraft recently. It's a great game, but I felt I needed a break from it. I made it to level 45 on my rogue, so thats somewhat of an accomplishment in my opinion.
After quitting WoW I went back to not only one of my favorite online rpgs, but one of my favorite games of all time, Everquest. A couple of my friends convinced me to join them, and I couldn't resist. So far i'm having alot of fun, i'm playing my old Necromancer, who is almost level 67. I'm also playing a 70 enchanter which is fun for groups.
At the end of June they are coming out with something in Everquest called the Progression Server. It's hard to explain if you've never played Everquest before, but i'll try to sum it up the best I can. There are currently 10 expansions in Everquest (yes I know it's alot) and because of all the content that has been added, alot of the old content is completely dead, no one even goes into some of the areas anymore. So in this progression server, what they are doing is starting the server off with only the original game activated.
To unlock an expansion you have to defeat the end game content of the expansion. So for example, you are starting out with the original game, so to be able to play the second expansion your server has to defeat the end game content of the original game.
The reason i'm so psyched for this is because I have such great memories of Everquest when it was in it's original form, so i'm hoping I can relive those memories with this server.
On the console side of things, I was playing Resident Evil Code Veronica X on the PS2, but have recently stopped playing it. I've started playing MLB 06: The Show again. I decided to do a franchise as the Cincinatti Reds. I know I love my Cardinals, but i'm a Griffey Jr. fan, so I thought i'd play as the Reds. So far so good, in the season i'm 15-10.
A few days ago I bought Xmen Legends and Xmen Legends II: Rise of Apocolypse. I guess the movie sparked the Xmen craze in my brain. One bad thing though, since i'm in the Navy, I don't have any of my friends here to play Legends with, so i'm doing it solo, which I heard sucks, but i'm having fun so far.
I also bought Hitman 2, to see if I enjoy the Hitman series. If I enjoy it, I may pick up the Blood Money for the 360. Besides, it was only $5.00.
Tommorow I may be purchasing a DS lite. Thats if they have them in stock. I have never played a DS, but I really want one. If I don't buy it tommorow, I deffinately will sometime soon.
Other than games, i've been reading the Ultimate Xmen comics, which i'm really enjoying. After i'm done with that i'll be reading the Batman: Hush comics.
I'm going to try and get a webcam here soon so I can start doing video blogs, and give my fingers a rest. I have a digital camera that takes video, but it kind of sucks.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you all again on my next blog. I'll deffinately make one on that progression server when it's released at the end of the month, and tell you all how I am enjoying it.
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