Nintendo Legends has been a huge part of my Gamespot experience. When I first joined the site, I went looking for a union that I might want to be a part of. Eventually, I found the Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoyo union, a place that was right up my alley.
Before long, I found out that the union was in decline, after its original leader had been banned. The leader at that time told me that he got an admin to transfer the leadership to him, though since the original leader had left, things weren't the same.
I made it a priority of mine to help out the union, to become an active member and help turn it around. Before long, I was promoted to an officer.
Soon I had an idea to change and improve the union. I suggested redesign the union, to focus not only on two people, but the people of Nintendo in general. After that, I was promoted to leader, and since then, I turned The Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto Union - a Level 2 MIA with aprox. 200 members into Nintendo Legends - an active level 6 union with just over 1000 members
But lately, the union has been in decline once more. People seem less interested to post in the board - myself included. Also, I have come to the realization that a union focusing on the people of a company never really had much potential to begin with. Sure, this focus was more of a tribute, and we discussed all areas of Nintendo, but even then, several unions already do that better. The bottom line is, as far as we've gone with the union, it cannot go any further.
So, I have decided to disband Nintendo Legends.
It was a tough decision to make, but I've thought about it for awhile, and most officers agree, so I'm sure it's the right one.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the union, and I will definitely miss having it. I'm proud of how far I took it, and maybe sometime in the future I will make my own union from scratch.
We'll see.
Until then, goodbye old friend.
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