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It Looks Evil Now!

As much as I love Gamespot's new avatar update, I can't say I'm having an easy time acclimatising to it myself. I was always very happy with my sig, icon and banner combo, so of course, I was reluctant to change.

Hoping to keep it as similar to the original as possible, I simply vut the face out of the above image, and after a few attempts of getting it down to the right size, I uploaded it.

While I prefer the way it was before, Im fairly content with the new, larger icon...but there's a problem.

You see, as you may have noticed by now, when the image is reduced, it makes the Happy_Cloud look evil! Yes, for some reason, the innocent, joyful smile, turns into a malicious grin when it's made smaller.

So, I'm going to have to make some more changes and alterations until it all fits together perfectly again.

...sigh...I hate change.

EDIT: I've made another change, so now, I've used the image from my sig. The good news is that it no longer looks evil, but it seems to be oddly proportioned. I still have some changes to make. :(

My God! I just realized, this all must not be interesting at all! You're all probably...dare I say it - bored!

That's it, you'll never hear of this again!