It's been awhile since I made one of these. Forgotten me yet? I'm more than a little ashamed, especially as I don't really have an excuse; I've been busier. So what have I been doing? Not much really. I've been playing a lot of Sin and Punishment; its hard mode is extremely difficult, and I'm determined to beat it.
I have been browsing the forums a bit, but not doing much posting. Gamespot always seems to be especially slow for me, so that puts me off coming here a bit.
By now you've probably guessed this blog isn't going anywhere. To tell you the truth, I just thought I really needed to post something.
Speaking of things that are redundant, I've always thought the letter C was rather pointless. It either has the sound of an S or a K, so why not simply use those letters? I guess there is the Ch sound, but that could easily be replaced by a Kh sound. "khokolate" might look a little weird now, but I could get used to it. If anything, getting rid of the letter C would save confusion; nobody would be unsure of what sound the letter is trying to convey.
...yeah, so, sorry I've not been very active here lately...and...down with C!