A New Union
by HardQuor on Comments
I've been posting a lot in Off-Topic forums the past few weeks and I've noticed that there are a pretty fair number of users with zunes. Many more than i would have figured, anyways. So of course, being a zune owner (and lover) myself, I find myself wanting to see all of their zune cards and badges. Microsoft really got it right when they decided provide the zune with an xbox live-esque, community-driven experience and then linked the zune and live service together. Where they screwed up, imo, is in not pushing the zune side like they did with xbox live. That's why I'm thinking about creating a new union for the zune owners and/or enthusiasts of Gamespot. A place where everyone can exchange their zune user names, musical opinions, new artists, albums, or singles, and just general music-oriented or zune-related chat. The only problem is that I have no idea what running a union entails. If someone out there is familiar with that whole scene, lemme know if I'm in over my head, please :P On the bright side, naming it should be easy enough, I'm already leaning towards "The zUnion" :P