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Am I a pansy?

So I'm playing through Dead Space for the first time, and I'm only just now starting to get used to the atmosphere of the game. after taking an extremely nervous 5 1/2 hours to get to chapter 5, I've got to say, not since RE2 or Code Veronica have I been so trepidatious while playing a game. Sometimes, my heartrate will increase and I'll be so stressed out that I have to take a break and calm down with some Chessmaster Live (Never thought I'd be thanking a Horror game for improving my chess skills :P) Needless to say, I'm extremely impressed with the production of this game as well as it's design.

But this isn't about how much I love Dead Space and other horror games, this is about how easily I get frightened by them. And I'm not just talking about the cheap jump-out-at-you-while-you-think-it's-safe scares, I mean, I really crawl through levels with my weapon pointed in front of me, hesitating for upwards of a whole minute before entering the next room. Only after I've died a time or two and learned the room can I run in with guns blazing. I can even remember playing Unreal single player for the first time at a friend's house and my friends laughing because I was playing through it so slowly.

But like I said, the more the hours pass, the more I'm getting used to the atmosphere, and the faster I'm running through rooms. In my defense though, I've played a few horror games that didn't phase me at all, Dino Crisis, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 3 and RE4 were all extremely light on the scares. (To be fair though, it has been many a year since I've played some of those titles, so my memory may be failing.)

So am I alone or what? Do you guys think that there's no game on Earth that could ever scare you? Or are there some games that you love because of how well they scare the crap out of you? I'm hoping I'm not alone, I have to believe that an extremely well-produced game can be scary, because I can't remember the last time I had to take actual breaks to cope with increasing blood pressure O_o;