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Average Gaming Hero: My YouTube Channel

Average Gaming Hero. That's what I am and will always be.

This channel wasn't designed to show glitches, cheats, exploits, or ultra-impressive game footage. That's not how I game.

I made this channel to show people a few cool things when I can, give general advice, and help people who need it. Gaming is just one of my many passions in life and I want to share it with people like myself!

Stop by and check it out if you can. I'm always looking for feedback, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! Thanks!

Talented Enough To Work For GameSpot?

* * NOTICE * *
This union has been shut down by me for several specific reasons. Sorry guys.

Talented Enough To Work For GameSpot Union (W4GSU)

I (an avergage user with no current affiliation with GameSpot or it's staff) have decided to form a union that is entirely dedicated to the very few select people who have what it takes (and are willing to make the effort) to possibly work for GameSpot one day.

This could be you if you're interested in:
-Graphic Design
-Game Development
-Gaming Hardware
-Gaming Software
-The Development of Games
-The latest and greatest titles and technology
-Game Testing
-Gaming Communities

etc.. etc..

If you are interested in joining and aspire to be something more and/or do something more with your life, go ahead and apply. Applications are open to anyone.
I must warn though, I hand-pick each and every member myself through a strict filtering process to make sure I have the best of the best on my team, so not everyone will be accepted. Gotta be able to bring something good to the table. Only the sincere need apply.

If you are not selected after applying, do not lose faith. Contribute more to the site and show me that you do have what it takes to work for GameSpot some day. I encourage you to show me that I made a bad decision by not picking you. Because from my point of view, I can only judge your worth based on what I see in your profile. So you can always apply again and see what happens! Never give up.

Talented Enough To Work For GameSpot Union (W4GSU)


Dragon Age: Origins (At A Glance) (Xbox 360 Version)

Outstanding title.
I am about 30 hours in.
Wouldn't recommend it to people that hate dialouge & reading in games though.

So far, my playthrough has been about 65% conversation, 10% lore reading 15% running around, and only 10% action.
It has started to pick up though and this is probably one of my favorite RPGs in quite some time. The spells, skills, character development, and everything is simply impressive.
This game meets, if not surpasses, the bar for how storytelling is done, like it or not.

The graphics suffer a little from being a PC import, but honestly, that makes no difference to me.
Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of developers pushing the graphics cards to the limit saying, "OH YES! Our game has the best graphics, yadda yadda, yadda.."
But then, when you play it, you experience the most God-awful frame rates known to man -- Annoying. I would rather play a game that flows smoothly on screen even if the graphics suffer a little, because chuggy frames take away a lot more from my gaming experience than questionable graphics ever will.

But I digress...

Dragon Age: Origins is right up there with Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion for my favorite console RPGs of all time.
Comparing them side-by-side, though, would be ludacris as they are honestly just two different forms of RPG completely.

Will develop a full, thorough review after spending more time with it.

My New Game Review Outline: Too Much?

This is the game review outline I just came up with. I feel like it covers the vital details that people need to know about a game. It also gives me the chance to thoroughly and thoughtfully analyze what I think about the game I'm reviewing. My goal behind this is to keep me focused and on point while I write as well as making it easy for the people reading to follow.
Maybe this will be of some use to future review writers as well?

I wrote a (massive) review for Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion using this format. Check it out here and let me know what you think!
Any suggestions you guys have would be greatly appreciated and are always welcomed. ;)

Where does the game take place and why?

This section will cover how I feel about the game and what I expect of it before I actually play.

Main Menu:
I'm very intrigued with how developers set up the main menu of a game as it is typically the first thing players will get to interact with. The menu can sometimes be a precursor to how good the game itself may or may not be. (May omit this section in certain reviews.)

Opening Cut Scene:
This section will cover how I feel about the opening cut scene as it is usually designed to 'sell' the game to players. (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

First Impression:
This section will cover how I feel about the game after navigating it's menus, getting past the opening cut scene, and heading out of the tutorial.

How does the game look in regards to the visual design the developers were aiming for? Did they use the system's graphical power to it's full potential? Did they deliver unique and appealing visuals? Did they take full advantage of the system's graphical strengths? Was there any visual chugging or 'lag' at some points? Etc...

(A more specific extension of the graphics section.) Do things move they way they should in the game? Do things seem to have 'real' weight? Is momentum present? Does the wind affect things? Do things break accurately? Is the destruction of the same item unique each time? Etc... (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

How easy are the controls? Do they fit for the kind of game it is? Hardest part about them? Easiest part about them? Customizable? Annoying? Etc...

Artificial Intelligence:
How does your team respond to certain situations? Do the NPCs act natural? Are your team members and enemies as smart as they should be? Etc...

This section will cover if the game's difficulty was fitting, too hard, or too easy based on the options they give you.

Storyline & Plot:
This section will detail the game's plot and story, without revealing any spoilers. Graded on originality, creativeness, believability, and delivery. Any plot holes? Is the writing good or subpar? Etc... (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

Voice Acting:
This section is very important to me as bad voice acting has ruined many potentially great titles in the past. This part of a game can truly affect the overall experience, so I feel it is my duty to let people know when bad voice acting is apparent. (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

Sound, Music & Ambiance:
This section will detail how good the music for the game is, if it is fitting, and how well they incorporate it into the gameplay. It will also detail the sound effects you hear not only from the character, but the things around the character as well.

Game Development & Delivery:
This section will cover how the game develops. Is is too slow paced? Is it too fast? Did they do a good job of making the game unfold smoothly. Does it portray things in the manner that the game designers intended, or was it off a bit? (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

Unique Features:
This section will detail anything about the game that sets it apart from the others, new things they might have tried, and how they incorporated those features into the game.

Ending (No Spoilers):
This part will explain how I felt after playing the game all way through. Did it leave me wanting more? Was it overrated? Climactic finish? Was I satisfied with the outcome? Etc... (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

Replay Value:
Does this game offer anything that would make the player want to play again, or does it force you to go back through it to obtain certain things? Is it fun to play over and over? Is there anything that makes you want to go back time after time?

Multiplayer/Online Features:
Does the game offer competitive or cooperative play? How many can play? Is it fun online, or frustrating? Are there leader boards? Can you play split-screen? Can you take a guest online? Are the multiplayer/online modes fitting the type of game it is? Etc... (Will omit this section when non-applicant.)

What was the game good at and why was it good?

In what areas did the game lack and how could they improve?

This section is for people who don't feel like reading all of the detailed junk above. They can simply scroll down to here and get the 'at-a-glance' version of everything.

Miscellaneous Info:
Anything else worth mentioning will be here. Like if it displays in 1080p or not. If it has DLC. Etc...

My Top 10 Xbox 360 Holiday Recommendations...And Why!

-For Holiday 2008-
Let's start with the best and work our way down...Shall we?

1. Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion (My Score: 9.5)
Oblivion Case (Xbox 360)
It's simply an all around amazing game. I've spent well over 300 hours in this fantastical world and still haven't completed everything there is to do. I doubt anything will top this game for years to come. A must own! (And if you do manage to finish everything, there's plenty of DLC just waiting to consume the little bit of life you have left.)

2. Fallout 3 (My Score: 9.0)
Fallout 3 Case (Xbox 360)
Made by the same people who did Oblivion. It's set in a massive, post apocalyptic world where you can blow people's heads off at point blank range. You can even fire lawn mower blades from a weapon! Go get it! (Also, plenty of DLC!)

3. Gears Of War 2 (My Score: 9.0)
Gears Of War 2 Case (Xbox 360)
This game is made from pure testosterone. No one should be able to play this and not feel the urge to tear someone apart. Much more refined than the first one. Chainsaws FTW! (DLC makes the multiplayer much better for this one.)

4. Left 4 Dead (My Score: 9.0)
Left 4 Dead Case (Xbox 360)
This game has already set a new standard for the horror game genre in my opinion. It's fast paced and will keep you wanting more. It never has the same playthrough twice and the replay value is killer. Pun intended. Simply terrifying. Way better when played with friends! Another title every gamer should own a copy of.

5. Fable II (My Score: 9.0)
Fable II Case (Xbox 360)
This game is a bit short, but super fun. It's got a really nice comedic value that will keep you entertained throughout. It's a great break from more realistic RPGs like Oblivion. (DLC available, as well.)

6. Dead Space (My Score: 9.0)
Dead Space Case (Xbox 360)
I cannot play this game alone. Tried to once...with headphones. Didn't sleep for three days. Honestly, a scary game. Which is rare. Go buy it. And grab a new matress on the way home. You'll need it.

7. Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows (My Score: 8.5)
Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows Case (Xbox 360)
Not the greatest game ever made, but it is the greatest Spider-Man game ever made. It's got a lot of cool features that make the replay value tremendous. Free roaming in this game is unmatched for it's genre. Good to play when you're frustrated with, or tired of FPSs and RPGs.

8. Call Of Duty 4 (My Score: 9.5)
Call Of Duty 4 Case (Xbox 360)
Everyone should already know how amazing this title is. I didn't care for any of the previous Call of Duty games, but this one truly revolutionized the way FPSs should be made and played. Hats off to the Infinity Ward. Now, stop reading this and go buy it!

9. Soul Calibur IV (My Score: 9.0)
Soul Calibur IV Case (Xbox 360)

One of my favorite fighting game franchises. They really stepped it up with this one. It's graphically inclined and the Create-A-Player will blow you away. Of course, there is always room for improvement, but I enjoy this game to no end. Great replay value. Definately a buyer.

10. Far Cry 2 (My Score: 6.5)
Far Cry 2 Case (Xbox 360)
Wasn't as impressed with this game as I'd hoped, but I still like it a lot. It's visually stunning and I like some of the new things they are trying. Keep it up guys. Maybe you'll be higher on the list next time. I'd rent this game before buying it.


Let's Talk Games...

My primary gaming system is the Xbox 360 (Elite). I own pretty much any title that is worth owning right now. Any others, I have most likely played.

Everything from the outstanding Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion right down to the God-awful Sneak King. In and out. Through and through. Start to finish... (Yes, even online.)

But here lately, it seems like I keep finding myself searching retail store after retail store, flea markets, online sites, and even yard sales in a vulture like fashion for any new or used games that might strike my fancy...The thing is -- I keep getting disappointed.
I do super amounts of research online, in magazines, through word of mouth, playing demos, all that...but I simply cannot find any games right now that jump out and scream, "Buy me! I'm good!"

All the games that I've looked forward too or gotten "hyped" about in the past eight months or so have been major let downs. (i.e. Too Human, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) Granted there are things on the way that will undoubtedly deliver (i.e. Fable 2, Left 4 Dead and so on) but I feel that being a core gamer means I shouldn't have to wait...right?

So I guess my question is...
Is there something wrong with me...or the games?

Fly Games

Now I'm not usually the type to do a cheap promotion, but...I have to admit, Gamefly IS all that and a bag of poo poo. I signed up for the two game plan about 4 months ago and haven't had a regret since. So there it is people! Get out there and get you some Gamefly!


Blue + Yellow = Green

This is just going to be a little bit about myself as an individual and what I do for a living.

I'm 20 years old. I don't have much free time on my hands as I've just moved out on my own and am currently holding down two jobs. I primarily work for one of the world's top leading technological retailers, Best Buy. When I'm not there, I am working for, what is soon to be, the biggest name in the subject of mass cinema display, Rave Motion Pictures (a movie theater). So, obviously, I am a fountain of knowledge in which the water never runs dry. Don't get me wrong though, I am very humble. I am willing to bestow this knowledge upon those who wish to receive it. Simply read the superb reviews I will be delivering to the masses and yee shall be cleansed of all evil. In this case, evil is represented by the lack of proper gaming decision making. What? Anyway...I'm just rambling now. So let's move on.

In the little free time I do have, I do what I love doing. With that said, let's move on.

The world of gaming is a super complex world of ever changing evolution and we should all evolve with the change so that we might be worthy of leaving reviews in it. Right? (It makes sense if you read it out loud and somewhat fast)

Well, it's 5:13 AM (Eastern) and yes, even invincible people do require sleep. So, if you've suffered through this less-than-laughable bit of all original literature, then I do apologize for wasting your time, but thank you for it. You now have somewhat of an idea as to who I am and I promise you that my reviews will not be this spastic/mind numbing.

Go see Hancock.

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