My primary gaming system is the Xbox 360 (Elite). I own pretty much any title that is worth owning right now. Any others, I have most likely played.
Everything from the outstanding Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion right down to the God-awful Sneak King. In and out. Through and through. Start to finish... (Yes, even online.)
But here lately, it seems like I keep finding myself searching retail store after retail store, flea markets, online sites, and even yard sales in a vulture like fashion for any new or used games that might strike my fancy...The thing is -- I keep getting disappointed.
I do super amounts of research online, in magazines, through word of mouth, playing demos, all that...but I simply cannot find any games right now that jump out and scream, "Buy me! I'm good!"
All the games that I've looked forward too or gotten "hyped" about in the past eight months or so have been major let downs. (i.e. Too Human, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) Granted there are things on the way that will undoubtedly deliver (i.e. Fable 2, Left 4 Dead and so on) but I feel that being a core gamer means I shouldn't have to wait...right?
So I guess my question is...
Is there something wrong with me...or the games?