Sorry for the lack of blogs lately, but I've been busy relaxing. I tried posting some pics from my last day of school but there was some kind of error of sorts. *sigh* Anyways here is what I've been doing:
- Bought a banana yellow Ibanez Gio and a Line 6 Spider 3 30 watt amp and have played it until blood flows from the blisters of my fingers.
- Played DS until the sunrise: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2: Grimoire of the Rift(amazing!), Phoenix Wright: Ace Atourney(amusing), Sega Superstar Tennis(like an internet Macromedia game: fun for 30 minutes at a time), Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords(bizarre but fun), and I have yet to play a couple of game"borrowed" off the Internet. Completely legit stuff of course hehe :P
- Seen the first 2 seasons of American Dad, all the Indy movies, the godfather trilogy, the Star Wars trilogy( the original one), Scarface, the Big Lebowski, Family Guy Star Wars and the Holy Grail by Monty Python. All on my Xbox 360.
Pretty calm summer so far. However in less than a month it's my birthday! Woohoo! And I'll be getting on a plane to the Philipines to see my dad for the first time this year. Really happy for that. Also I plan to:
- Go to the Rage Against the Machine concert tommorow!!!
- Get Battlefield Bad Company!
- Get Star Wars Force Unleashed!
There's also something else I'd like to mention. I'm getting a Wii for Christmas! My Mom says she's really interested in Wii Fit and will get it as a family present. It's funny how before she knew about Wii Fit my mom called every game, console or game accessory a gameboy or a playstation. Now she's developing a curiousity in the game industry. So thank you Nintendo for advertising in the malls, Tv and "pink" magazines ;)
I like the Wii, don't get me wrong. It's just that I don't think I could get all my gaming needs from a Wii alone and I don't like Nintendo's approach to hardcore gamers. I like the casual approach of the Wii, but it seems too casual. It has a handful of hardcore games but the rest is mainly junk trying to sell with the apeal of Wii-mote controls. Also, I get the impression that Nintendo is being a f***tard and taking a huge dump on all the Nintendo fans who stood by Nintendo and stood by the brand instead of going Sony or Microsoft on their a$$es during the N64 and the Gamecube years when not all was peachy for Nintendo. Now they're concentrating theire efforts on casual games like Wii fit so to appeal to a kind of people( like my mom) who know nothing about videogames. It seems as if Nintendo stopped caring about REAL gamers. They give the usual Mario, SSB, Zelda, Metroid games kind of like a lazy parent gives a hungry baby a passafire because the parent is busy doing something and doesn't want to actually feed the baby.
I bought a Nintendo 64, and a Gamecube, I didn't give up on Nintendo despite all my friends had PS1's and PS2's. Sure I also bought them but I didn't forget about Nintendo. I don't want Nintendo to forget about me. About all of us. F*** casual gamers. They have lives and girlfriends. I don't :( Give me games Nintendo. REAL games.