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Zelda Twilight Princess vs. Metroid Prime Trilogy

The Zelda and Metroid Prime Series are both known as some of the best video games of all time. The question is: which is better? I've watched hundreds of videos, read through various reviews, and even asked some of my friends; yet, I'm still stuck. Which one is a better buy? It seems as though the MPT is better, since it's three games for the price of one. Which one has a better all around experience? Zelda, I think, because it has the most engrossing and addicting gameplay of any video game I've ever played. Better graphics? Er... I guess that one's a tie. How about the length of the game and the replay value? Sounds as though the MPT wins that one by a mile. Since the Metroid Prime Trilogy is made up of three games (duh!), then that means that you can spend about 80 hours playing through the whole series! Plus, MP2: Echoes has a four-player mode, which sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. Which one has better controls? Tie once again, from what I've heard. Which one's more fun? It's a close one, but from what my friends have told me, Twilight Princess is the most fun and entertaining game that they've ever played. So... Which one is better? I DON'T FREAKIN KNOW! Can anyone help me decide which one to buy?
