Another Awful Oscars
by Harlann on Comments
So…I will not address the jist of the Oscars, the winners, losers etc. I will address the Show, the Performance that was the Oscar Telecast. Simply put….it sucked. Chris Rock was awful last year. Stewart was down right dead meat in a suit this year. Try as he might to be funny…but five good one-liners over a four-hour period, was terrible. It lacked everything Carson, Crystal or Martin ever had doing the show. Stewart was not right for it. His hip and with it flare was not there. He was hiped to the hilt for weeks but Hollywood’s golden new star exploded into a super-nova and burned out. The entertainment was even worse. God bless…”it’s tough to be a pimp…” performed during family hour. You have got to be kidding me. And you wonder why Hollywood Cinema is sinking fast as an entertainment medium. Oh, Cause Count. That’s a tough call. I had 9 ribbons seen, 4 the same. No one spoke anything that I noticed.. But then again, it was a gay night anyway. That must count for something. The Bush Bash count was low, I had 12 only liners. But then again…they all came from lame man Stewart. Ooooo…shocker there.