if you like your fighters I can recommend supper streetfighter 4 and mortal kombat as must also check out blazblue and soul calibur 2 too. Rockstar tabletennis is awesome for what it is and any EA standard sporting genre sim should see you straight for sports. For shooters everything been covered but if you don't have access to gaming spec pc get the orange box in for a bit Team fortress 2.
I like live services and I think all my points have more or less been covered by others. Lone wolf-ing on the team based games is my biggest gripe and good proportion are too damn competative and anger is common place enjoy the excitment help those players who are worse because it build the experience of the game alot of people on live in game seem to forget and with the lack of monitoring and boot for offensive players it's always left to continue. I still game on line but i rarely use my mic now unless I know who i'm talking too.
To answer the question posed, no they shouldn't but no doubt in about 5 to 10 years some military shooter will incorporate a simialr mission in some mediocre piece of crap to make it "edgy".
Love vanquish but i haven't brought it, played the demo and first mission or so in the game. A game being stand alone without multiplayer is nothing to get upset for in other games like bioshock multiplayer offered little in the weight of the big online shooter. The insidious nature of "must have multiplayer" is worring for a lot of really good games have had their enitre genre changed for this persuit, like the upcoming and previous resident evil titles that still won't satisfy the group looking for a mood making solitary horror experience because (squadbased+explosions+current trend favorite=money). The only reason I haven't picked up the game is simply other games are drawing more of my attention but keep an eye on it and pick it up when the price is right for you.
I've been really enjoying the cyber-subzero on Mortal Kombat, he carries a well balanced combinatiation of combos for high, low, distance and close range strings. scopion is solid as always. kabal and stryker are also interesting. But all characters are well balanced and good for different style combatants.
Don't forget you can upgrade the memory on the 4gb version but your looking a pretty penny to do so and the others are right 4gb just isn't enough even if you get 1 or 2 games with the kinnect its worth keeping in mind that you can download almost all kinnect games for demo and not mention mainstream demos and live. Get the 250gb and add kinnect later perhaps when the release schedual can't be written on a box of matches
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