HazzyRap / Member

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Having Problems "Getting With It..."


I dunno what's been wrong with me lately...But as the title says, I just can't seem to "keep with it"...If that makes any sense. I can't seem to get anything done on my internet activities, I stand around all day staring into space because I think more about what I need to do then actually doing it, I lose some weight then gain it back again, I stick to eating less/not eating in the morning then turn into a pig when the sun goes down, I put off exercising or never get around to it...I can't seem to keep myself together or think straight anymore. I used to feel so good, now I just feel depressed anymore because I feel so lazy and disorganized...

I've been playing Guitar Hero II, when I get the time. It's incredibly addicting. But besides that, I've finished re-writing the next chapter in my HG fanfiction. Now I just need to edit and check it over. So...It will happen before the end of the month. I promise this time! And, oh...How there's sex. Sex that'll blow you're mind!

I just want people to know why I've been so sloppy and slow lately, and that I'm sorry for it. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, I've always been the "all or nothing" type, so if I slip up once I'm too dissatisfied to continue anything...If you're going to crash, crash big, and if you're going for something, you need to get the best and biggest you can. It's a problem I have; but it's how I am, as unfortunate as it may be.

I need to get back in my rut, my little strict ditch that I have...I've been trying hard, and I suppose I just need to try harder if I need to succeed...So please, hang in there. I'm not dead, I'm still going...Though I honestly wonder how I stay alive sometimes. >_>

Oh, and BTW, I just found some old pictures of my brother from high-school...And hand to God, he looks just like Young Lorenzo. Super-fantastical mullet and everything. Yeah, that kinda freaked me out a little. Now that I think about it, Young Lorenzo has always looked a little but familer to me...And why I never really considered him all that sexy. xD

Back when he was in the marines and he was all cut and fit, he also used to look like Dolph Lundren...Needless to say, watching "Rocky IV" has always been hilarious.

Okay, that's enough BSing for one night...I need me some sleep. Well actually, I don't NEED it...I just feel like crap again. 

...I want some sex. >_>

(P.S, note to self...Don't write blogs while drinking Bacardis...Is not a coherant combination.)