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I'm Not (Evil) Dead!


Okay, first let me apologize for being practically dead these past few weeks. It wasn't exactly my fault. Things started getting unGodly busy for me the night before Halloween, where I had to rush about and get everything done that I could, and God knows I still couldn't get everything done. Then my sister wanted to go do something for Halloween, and it pretty much went nowhere, so that was a waste of a few hours...

So that kept me busy all that night. Then Halloween itself came along, and I was off work. So I tried to make the most of it. I was so unGodly busy all day. I did not have a minute to relax. I never did get to carve the pumpkins, so I tried to get at least one done (we normally carve two or three) and did manage only one. It was really nice, but it irritated me that I couldn't get it done until the last minute, and even then...Only ONE. Grrrr...You see, stupid little things like that irritate the piss outta me.

Alright, being the horror enthusiast that I am; I just had to see Saw III, and took my day off on Halloween to go see it. I agree with Kawaii_Rip with her enthusiasm with it, I loved it! It was a big improvement over the second one (that I liked, but didn't exactly have the same love for.) and was a genius interweaving of story, shocking gore, unexpected twists and turns, and it was the first horror in a long time to actually tweak with my emotions. That's hard to do, because I'm a cold b!tch most of the time when it comes to horror movies nowadays. So yeah; go out and see it, goddamn it!

It worked out well because the theatre wasn't crowded, and I was able to go by myself because my mother was too busy cleaning out my sister's car (long story) to even want to come. So I could watch the movie without being posed 1000 questions that will be repeated many, many times thereafter. How refreshing. Anyway, afterwords I snagged a pumpkin spice frappachino at Starbucks (tis the season!) and took off home. I had a lot of work to do!

I had to get dressed up for trick or treat! That's right, I went with my sister as she took her kids around. The way I see it, as long as I look young enough to get away with it, I'm sure as hell going to keep trying! I'm in it for the candy, baby. I was a demoness, with latex horns, pointy ears, a black dress, tail, pitchfork, wings, the whole deal. BTW, I also dressed up as this for work the Saturday before this. I got reactions, all right. ^_^

Hazzy has been on a diet for a long, long time. This excludes candy. Hazzy loves candy, and candy loves Hazzy. Needless to say, I had to go out and grab some free candy from the community. I make no apologies. But you had best believe, that that candy lasted a maximum of two days. Every chocolate, every M&M, tootsie roll, sucker, gum...Yeah, that sh*t was all gone. It was very frightening to witness, best not get too close...You might have been sucked into the vortex and promptly devoured. Especially if you have a peanut butter center...'Cuz I motherhumping will kill for a jar of crunchy peanut butter, I really would.

All in all I'd say I was a little disappointed with my Halloween. I mean, there was just so much to do, but so little time to do it thanks to work. I'm very happy I got Halloween off (and from now on, I plan to request it off every year hereafter) and I was able to get things done before the night, and got to see Saw III, but I didn't have any real days off before that, so all the preparations had to be done mere hours before. Which sucked up time that could have been better spent. I didn't enjoy how things had to be rushed last-minute like they were. Next year I plan to start earlier, I just hope I have more time for things by then.

I actually have a lot more to tell you guys, but I'll leave it at that for tonight. I have more movies to tell you about, pictures, ect...But it's Hazzy's bedtime, and she's both hungry and tired. The sooner I can get to bed, the sooner I can eat when I get up. LOL! I hope I can get to you by tomorrow, if not, ASAP!

To be continued... DUN DUN DUN!