No, not the song...Not that it's a bad song, but that's not the point.
Oooo, man. Such a nice day today. Almost seventy. The only thing keeping it from being summer weather is the high wind, which I actually don't mind considering it's rather cooling and I'm not ready for that blistering hot weather yet. I hope it dries the ground out, I'm so sick of wiping the dog's paws off every time I come into the house...It's like a mud pit out there.
*Sighs* It's not going to last, though. Despite spring being a few days away, we're getting snow again this week and rain tonight. Goddamn it...You know, don't get me wrong, I don't mind rain or cold weather. I mean, where I live I'm used to it. But I HATE it when the weather fluctuates. If it starts getting warm and nice out...STAY warm and nice out! If spring is coming, it shouldn't be getting 20 degrees outside with ice all over the roads...Why can't it be normal for once, damn it!?
Regardless, I got out today and still am going out (inbetween coming over here) to take advantage of the good situation. Getting work done, socializing my puppy, the like. I took him for a walk in the park again, only this time without my other dog. I don't want him getting dependent on her, so sometimes I do things with just him. He got exposed to some people and had some dogs bark at him, though he actually didn't meet anybody or any dogs.
The poor little thing is still terrified of everything, though he's better since I've been doing this. He tries to run for cover when a dog barks at him, so I tell him "no!" and force him to sit. Ignoring it or comforting it will contribute to the fear, correcting them is actually the best reassurance you can give. He eventually sat down and calmed, which was a big step for him.
Now more about my Hewie-Hewie...Yes, that's what I call him. :) Sometimes I call him Hewie-Hewie (say it really fast and slurring the "H") or Hugh, only using his real name for serious situations. I have nick-names for all my critters. Spooky becomes either Spook or the Spookster, Toby is the Tobinator or tons-of-fun (she's a fatty), Pepper is Peperoni, Hershey is Hershter, and Sam is pain in my ass or "That damn Sam!" as he goes running out the door or destroys something, which is his nature. :D
Okay, he's about 25lbs right now, and is about half the size of my other dog. He's about four months right now. I think he's having some growing pains as he's not eating as much anymore, and is nibbling at his wrists. Large breeds have this problem, as they tend to grow too fast. No, I'm not using special large-breed puppy food. I would recommend it to purebreds, but IMO it's too risky with a mixed breed to feed it on a continuous basis as it can actually hamper growth and cause the dog to be too small. I did that with Spooky...She should probably be bigger then she is now. Oh well, you live and learn... :P
Like I said, he's a shy puppy. He is not some puss, though. Because when he feels uncomfortable with someone in the house he comes up running and barking! You'll get one of these in every litter, along with a dominant one, too. Well, we're all different. He's special in his own way, I'll raise him right. I just need to discipline, socialize, and train. And of course, time. Spending time with the animal is all that matters.
So called "bad" dogs are the ones that get none of this...It's a shame, really, how certain breeds are discriminated against just because of lazy and irresponsible owners. Boy does it ever piss me off...
*Sighs* Anyway, I'm cleaning out my gerbil cages today. I'll find out sometime in these next few days if Rick and Doom are going to get along. If not, off to the pet store they go. I'm not happy about the idea, but I don't want the two to kill each other. Better for them to be introduced to someone they can get along with instead of be alone in their own cages with me. I just need to do the split-cage and then go from there. If they try to fight again and again...Oh well. The moment of truth awaits.
BTW, here's my mini-review of The Hills Have Eyes, copied and pasted from, where I wrote it a few days ago.
Alrighty then. Well, you know I just had to see The Hills Have Eyes opening night Friday, and I did. It was fantasterific. The first great horror movie of the year, and a great remake that was slick, polished, and was directed beautifully. The movie just plain looked good, and had some realistic characters. I loved the use of a family instead of a bunch of teenagers, whom I always hated. I love horrors with REAL PEOPLE and not just kill-fodders with big t*ts and airhead men. No, I cared about these people. That's what made it so good. That, and it was absolutely filled with gore and non-consent. In other words...My candy. ^_^
Scary, jumpy, filled with suspense and it was fun as hell.
HazzyRap gives it: *** 1/2 stars! (Out of four)
Alright, gotta get outta here. Too nice to be inside right now. :)