For the second time this year, I will be leaving for four days. I'm leaving early tomorrow to go down to Ocean City, MD. It's a coastal city with beaches, boardwalk, a billion good places to eat (like the Salty Dog, awesome!) and we've been there a million times. We know the place well, so we know what to do, where to go, the whole like. So unlike Delaware where we dinked around half the time, miserable and arguing, it's going to go far better then before.
This time I'm going with my sister and her two kids. (My niece and nephew, obviously) The kids aspect I'm not to happy about, but hey, what'a gonna do? Still, my sister (despite our occasional arguments and differences) is the single closest person to me, and is also my best friend. Going with her is far and away better then going with my parents, and it's nice to get away from the pains in the asses. Though it will suck to be away from my two dogs, four cats, and three gerbils. :( Suck really bad. I won't know what to do with so much free time! I'll be worrying my sexy little ass off.
Tuesday we'll be leaving and stopping in Baltimore on the way back up, visiting the aquarium and the harbor. I've always loved that city, so it's good to be back.
I'm hoping this will be my "true" vacation. The one in Delaware, of course, sucked. It also made me feel like crap. Well, I won't let that happen this time! I weigh far less (not that I was really "fat" before, but you know...) and have far nicer clothes, and I won't have two irritating old people in tow.
Okay, won't be back until late, late, late Tuesday night. Peace out, friends. Wish me a good time. Shaking my sexy ass 'an all... :D