Aheh...ahhee...hee...God, I'm ready to kill somebody...
Alright, June has not been a good month for the Hazz, that much is certain. Things suck. They are not good.
My vacation sucked, I mean, that was bad enough...But you all know that one, anyway. Still I was okay with that...I mean...What can be done? Lately I think my luck has gotten even worse.
Before even the lack of internet started, it turns out my parents are going bankrupt...again. My mother is simply dumb as hell. I'm sorry, but it's a fact. She's ruined the finances by buying all these things on her credit cards...including clothes, and all these things she never even uses. In short, we have no credit now. This guy had to come to the house and appraise it and everything, made sure it was less then fifty-thousand.
This is the second time...last was 1988, when we were even worse off. Luckily I don't remember that embarrassment, I was too young at the time. Things are different now...But you know what? It's a kind of a good thing. I don't have to hear about them arguing about their debt all the time.
Sunday, I got in the car to go to work, only to find the front face of my CD player missing...I was a little weirded-out...I mean, where the hell did it go? Surely, somebody just wouldn't...steal the front of a CD player...would they? What the hell are they going to do with that? The rest of the player was still there!
I looked everywhere, couldn't find it. I was pretty pissed, couldn't play any music. Turns out it was indeed stolen, ten other cars around the block were also broken into. Yep. Well, isn't that nice? Can't even let the car unlocked...in my own yard. Our driveway runs down the center of the yard. The dogs never alerted, I never knew...And now I have to pay forty bucks I shouldn't have to in order to get a new one.
We're going to show the pigs what it looked like, but I hardly doubt those f*ckers will ever get caught. Still...WTF would you steal the face plate? WTF!?
If that wasen't enough...I put a personal ad on the internet, because I quite frankly need a man to make me happy. That and I'm always told to "go get a man" by my mother and sister...like I'm some piece of trash if I don't...so I told them about myself, the like. I admit I was a little risque, I said I'm dirty, I have a foul mouth, I'm a little bit of a pervert. I mean, you guys know me. It's true, right? That's me!
Turns out some friends of my sister saw it, and told her. She looked at it, and felt the need to call me on her cell (which we borrowed) to tell me last night. She was apparently appalled. She said I "shouldn't of put that" and that's "no way to meet somebody"
WTF?! Excuse me?! Is that ANY of her goddamn business!? Of course not! She treated me like I was some little kid. I'm a full-grown woman, thank you! If I want to meet somebody as perverted as me, then so be it. I'll find out myself, I DO NOT need to be lectured. I am fully capable of mature thought, thank you very much.
Even worse, she felt the need to tell my mother about it. Now she says I sound like a whore, that I'm going to go out and get a disease and get pregnant. She makes that speech about every five seconds, now.
LOL! I can't believe this. All I said was that I was a dirty girl seeking a naughty boy, not that I was going to go suck him off or anything. If I have sex, and boy do I want sex, I will use more then one sort of protection. I'm not f*cking stupid.
I deleted the damn thing, and I'll never post another personal ad again. Because now I'm going to have somebody breathing down my neck and commenting on everything I do. She always acted like my mother, treating me like a kid despite my age. I'm not stupid, but I am driven, and I know what I want. Maybe even a little crazy. Now all this talk makes me want to say "f*ck it" and just use my "happy time in the shower" to satisfy my urges. Who needs all these comments of every move I make...
My sister has some damn nerve...Ahh, you just wait until I see her fat ass again. It's not going to be good.
This lack of the net thing didn't help. It was hell not being here with you guys. I love talking to you to make me feel better...and horny. Hehe. God, how I love you all. ;)
*Sighs* Sometimes...I really do hate my life. I swear I have some of the worst luck...For me, misery has company. It's one thing after another for the longest time.
Conclusion: I hate my family... And as$holes who steal my CD player face plate.
And I swear, if my sister somehow finds and reads this: f*ck you.
Yeah, not to happy...Getting the net back is my only saving grace.