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Interesting Quiz About Yourself

I decided to make a quiz since I'm really bored. Because that's what people do when they're bored: make quizzes. It questions you, yourself, and your personalities! :shock: I'm not forcing anyone to take it. But if you choose to, I'll take it, too.

1. If you were to choose any name besides your own, what would your name be?

Zack Bell (doesn't that look like Zatch Bell :P)

2. What is your first thought when you wake up in the morning?

What did I forget to do?

3. If you were to be an electronic appliance, what would you be?


4. What is your favorite video game system? (if you hate video games, don't answer)


5. What is one thing you want to change about the world?

No more violence

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Architect or an author

7. What is your favorite restuarant?

Hmm, Red Robin, I guess

8. If someone in front of you dropped their wallet and it had $100 inside, would you keep it? Be honest

Probably, if my conscience was dead :oops:

9. What is your earliest childhood memory?

My first grade teacher got mad at me during a test because I couldn't figure out how to write the letter 'j' very well.

10. What is your favorite number?


11. If someone offered you to be in a commercial, would you do it?


12. What kind of person do you hate?

Spoiled, snobbish people, as said in my profile

13. What is one of the countries in the world that you would like to go to?


14. If you were to be trapped on an island for 1 day with 1 person, who would that person be?

My secret crush

15. What scares you the most?

Losing someone important

16. How would you want to die? (Odd question)

In my sleep