Yes!!! My spring break started today! Now I don't have to do anything for a week and more! Basically today classes were shortened to about 40 minutes instead of their usual hour or whatever, and we pretty much watched movies all day. Except in science we had a quiz that I got 12/24 on. Oh. :? I probably should've come in for help. This sucks because on the last three quizzes I got all A's and now I have this failing mark on my record.
But to compensate for that, our science teacher did this cool experiment in class where he took a bucket, mixed some corn starch with fire and something else, then blew into a tube. Fire shot out!! Ah ha ha ha! The fire reached up to the ceiling! It was awesome! There was corn starch all over the floor, and every time our teacher did it, you could taste this bland ash in your mouth. I'd show you guys a picture of the fire, but of course I didn't know we could bring our cameras so I don't have anything. But I'm pretty sure you can imagine what it looks like. :twisted::twisted::twisted:
And at the end of the day, we had people do a talent show. Which sucked. I only liked about two or three of the acts, but the ones I liked were really good.
Also, if you haven't already voted for the Star Wars thing in my last blog, please do so. Read it for details. I think at this rate we're going to have a tie between #3 and #4, and I'd appreciate it if someone could break that tie. If it comes to it, I'll vote for the one I like best. I'll wrap up this voting thing sometime tomorrow.
OMG, spring break! YES!!!!!