Tonight, I come back home!... And have to go to school the next day :| I'm posting this blog for yesterday, and will make another one when I get home tonight.
We woke up at 8:00 and left for San Francisco with another 2 hour drive. I read and did my homework most of the way. We finally got there and checked into our hotel...which was kinda bad. The design was really weird: like the elevator was super small and the stairs almost ran up vertically. Our rooms smelled...interesting. But it was fine.
So, then we went walking around town. We were heading to Pier 39 where Alcatraz is when I saw something very disturbing... It was a TRANSVESTITE. :shock: This person was wearing a pink cocktail dress and had a purse, and wore a wig. Except the thing that gave away that he/she was a boy was the face. He looked like a high-school skater jock with a really big nose and zits on his/her face. Creepy...but it's San Francisco, alright.
After that we went to some shopping center for lunch, and I had a burger that took 20 minutes to get to me while everyone else had Thai food which took 5 minutes. And there weren't even any fries with it! It cost 9 dollars! We went down to the pier and did basically nothing. Except we rode the trolley thing all over town, but that got boring pretty fast. We went to Alcatraz, which was pretty awesome. They were booked until Tuesday, so my mom got tickets in advance (by that I mean before we actually left for this trip). It was cool to see all the jail cells and stuff, but it was eerie and smelled...odd. It was cool since we studied it in Language Arts back in 7th grade. We rode all the way back, except my aunt got kinda sick. That was bad.
We left, and I didn't get any snacks. We then walked to some restaurant that night, and it was on the 21st floor of a really fancy hotel that I would have liked to have stayed at. It looked like a castle on the inside, no joke. We sat down in kind of a lounge area with velvet sofas to sit in. I was the only minor in the place. and my aunt and uncle told me that you could see out the window into the hotel next door. I saw some interesting stuff. There was one guy who we saw take his pants off and get dressed into a suit. Then, this was a killer, there was one guy sitting in bed watching the Simpsons in a white shirt and white pants. He took the shirt OFF and started laughing at something, probably the TV. Then another guy walked in and sat in the same bed, and he took his shirt off, too. I could only imagine what they were saying.
As we walked back, there were a ton of homeless people on the street who I felt a lot of sympathy for. Except for this one guy in a dirty leather coat yelling to random people passing by something about God. He sounded like my old bus driver :P
Overall, I liked the trip, but I don't like the city too much. The pier was cool and nice, but the city itself was...colorful and dirty. There were a lot of people begging for money. Anyway, I get back home tonight, and I will blog about how my day went.
Yu-Gi-Oh TAS Quote of the Day for 2/17: "There has been a great disturbance. Someone has stolen a Millenium Item. It was probably this little Jew boy (talking to Yugi). He must be hiding his horns underneath all that hair."