Hegna1 / Member

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League of Legends

I felt like writing a new blog (last one's really old :P), so I decided I'd talk about a game I've been playing lately. I'm going to avoid talking about the community since it's not the best, and I'd rather not go on another rant :D.

Anyway, League of Legends is a free to play game which plays similarily to DotA (for those who have played it). Riot Games (the company that makes it) also conveniently has some of the people behind the original DotA All-Stars. The game adds, most noteably, the "summoner system" which gives players customization of their hero before the game even starts through masteries, runes, and summoner spells. It's argueable whether it's the best (I think it's a bit too much of a disadvantage to newer players), but more customization is always nice and it allows for more creativity and variety for one character.

The gameplay is straight forward, and accessible, but it can get rather complex (I know I definitely don't play at the top level). Your final goal is to destroy the enemy's base, destroying towers, killing minions, and possibly slaying other champions (like your own) along the way. The complexity comes in with team combinations, picks and counterpicks, ganking, positioning, and knowing when to do what. I'm not going to go into detail (and I'm not an amazing player, so I probably would have some flaws in my explanation anyway).

Anyway, if anyone would like to add me, I mainly play as "Hegna" on the NA server of League. My main champs to play are Ezreal, Anivia, Cho'Gath and Kog'Maw, but I'm more than willing to support my team and pick a tank, or support (I'm a horrid support player though :P). I'm rated 107x, and going up currently (won my last 3 ranked, but I play much more normal games than ranked).

So, add me sometime if you play, and I'll play a round or two with you. Just say you're from gamespot with your IGN :P.


This is me:

lolBase pic

Note: It's from a fan site, and I don't upload all my matches (I forget, and it's not that important to me to stay updated on there). The number in brackets are the actual number (based on the last log file with me uploaded), and the non-bracketed numbers are the numbers according to uploaded matches only.