My impression on the Wii console I bought today
by Helghast_Merc on Comments
Back at E3 of 2005, when the Wii-mote was first introduced, I was a little skeptical. I didn't know what to make of Nintendo's controller, other than think it was a bit unusual to have a remote controller as a gaming controller. A few people were pretty hyped about the concept of the controller having motion-sensing capabilities and I didn't understand why, because, after all, we didn't see the thing in action. Just talking about the motion sensing concept without demonstration wasn't enough for me. I looked forward to E3 of 2006 to simply hear more about the Wii console and the motion sensing capabilites, but until then, I was skeptic. When I watched the press conference for Nintendo back at 2006 of E3, I finally saw the Wii-Mote in action and what it could do. I was really impressed, actually more than that. I felt like applauding Nintendo for doing an amazing job with this new direction in gaming. But the thing was, what did this mean for casual gaming as we knew it? Would it change the face of our typical game playing with just pressing buttons and moving joysticks? I didn't know what to make of it, but I sure as heck WANTED to try out the Nintendo Wii console at the time. After reading people's thoughts about the motion sensing concept, I was still a little confused. Some people welcomed the concept while others said that it was just a gimmick that didn't work well. Well, after some numerous thinking, I decided to buy the Wii console. After I got the system set up and the settings configured, I went to play Wii sports. After playing for an hour, I felt like I experienced gaming in a whole new level. The motion sensing controls weren't 100% percise, but they were good enough to get the "wow" factor from me. To put it in other words, Wii Sports was great and I had the most fun out of it. Heck, I never had so much fun with a gaming system like this since I played the original Nintendo. It's now safe for me to say that Nintendo has done it again. I think, in my own opinion, they re-invented making games fun all over again. I think this is the answer to game marketing. Now I definately see why the console sold out everywhere. I am just glad that I managed to pick one up while there were still a few left. The most fun I have had was Wii Tennis. The game was really fun and immersive. Wii Golf was pretty cool, but the respnse time wasn't 100%. It's not a big deal though. It was responsive enough to be really fun to play. For example, when I lightly swing the club, my Wii character kinda stalls a little bit. And I have noticed that a few times the responsiveness was delayed a bit. But no big deal, it's still pretty minor these problems, and it's one of the first Wii games to come out. I'm sure in the future, they'll improve on the technology alot. But not bad for a start. Not bad at all. Wii bowling was pretty fun too. The responsiveness was actually pretty good, although I only played one bowling game. Baseball was pretty fun and man, did I give my arm a good workout. Then again, Wii Sports entirely gave me quite a bit of a workout. I guess I was that immersed into Wii Sports. I had my brother try out Wii Golf, and he said that while he thought it was pretty fun, the responsiveness was a bit off, nd he said that it needed a bit of working. Other than that, he said that the Wii console, in whole, seemed really promising. As for Boxing, well, the game doesn't seem to be too responsive. At times when I swing my left arm, my Mii will either not respond, or he flings his other arm. I think maybe it's because of my handling of Wii Boxing. After all, I DID buy the Wii console a few hours ago and I just got done playing it. Overall, Wii Sports is still really fun to keep you entertained, basically because of the new Motion Sensing concept. I REALLY wanted to rent Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but the game was rented out. Talk about total bummer. I think tomorrow i'm gonna rent another Wii game. I might either rent Red Steel, Exite Truck, or Super Paper Mario. Overall, I think the Nintendo Wii is a great and fun system. I did not care for the graphics of the game at all. The motion sensing concept was enough to make Wii Sports great and entertaining. The Wii, in my humble opinion, is NOT a gimmick. Heck, you could say that I had more fun with the Wii than my Xbox 360. Don't worry, I still like Xbox 360 alot. I'm still a sucker for shooters ^^. Anyway, i'm wanting to try out that Medal of Honor game for the Wii as well. I haven't got the chance to get online because I don't have wireless internet service. I'll have to get the USB Ethernet Adapter, then i'll try to get a few VC games. The ones I wanna get are the first Legend of Zelda game and Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of time. I have never played any of those games, so I definately missed out. I also can't wait until Metroid Prime 3 and SUper Smash Bros. Brawl are released. They seem like really cool games. Well, thanks for checking out my first Blog. I think i'll go ahead and give Wii Tennis another go :).
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